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Ipswich Heritage Trail No 05 & 06: St Mary's and Grammar Hill; Woodend, Sadliers Crossing and Coalfalls
TitleIpswich Heritage Trail 05 & 06: St Mary's and Grammar Hill; Woodend, Sadliers Crossing and CoalfallsDate Created1994CreatorRobyn BuchananPublisherIpswich City Council
StreetMary StreetElizabeth StreetArthur StreetWoodend RoadBurnett StreetDarling StreetEllenborough StreetArthur StreetWaghorn StreetHarlin RoadWilliam StreetPanton StreetHume StreetBowen StreetMacgregor StreetRoseberry ParadeBurnett StreetHerbert StreetSyntax StreetRowland TeraceChallinor StreetCribb StreetTallon StreetStephenson StreetSuburbWoodendSadliers CrossingCoalfallsCity & StateIpswich, Queensland
DescriptionHeritage Trail 5: St Mary's and Grammar Hill
Highlights of this trail include: Hitching RIngs, Commercial Hotel, St Mary's Church, The Grotto, Presbytery, St Mary's School, St Mary's Convent, Church Hall, Original Christian Brothers Residence, Arthur Street Houses, Waghorn Street houses (including Loretto, Hawthorne, Arrochar, Pen Y Llechwedd, Moyne House, Balmoral), Woodend Road precinct (including Rocky Knoll, Haeremai), Ipswich Grammar School, Hibernian Hall, Burnett Street houses (including Belmont), Darling Street houses (including Knockmoyra), and the former McMahon's Soft Drink factory and Halley's Bakery (Bakehouse Steakhouse).
Heritage Trail 6: Woodend, Sadliers Crossing and Coalfalls
North Ipswich Railway Reserve, Woodend Honour Stone, Macgregor Street houses, Bowen Street precinct, Panton's Farm, Flying Fox colony, Harlin Road precinct, Dumfries, Rowland Terrace precinct, Sadliers Crossing Bridge, Tallon Street precinct (including Ormesby), Thomas Street Station, Humpy Back Bridge, Yarrum Lodge, Aberfeldy, Blair State School, Rosemont, and Esperenza.
Highlights of this trail include: Hitching RIngs, Commercial Hotel, St Mary's Church, The Grotto, Presbytery, St Mary's School, St Mary's Convent, Church Hall, Original Christian Brothers Residence, Arthur Street Houses, Waghorn Street houses (including Loretto, Hawthorne, Arrochar, Pen Y Llechwedd, Moyne House, Balmoral), Woodend Road precinct (including Rocky Knoll, Haeremai), Ipswich Grammar School, Hibernian Hall, Burnett Street houses (including Belmont), Darling Street houses (including Knockmoyra), and the former McMahon's Soft Drink factory and Halley's Bakery (Bakehouse Steakhouse).
Heritage Trail 6: Woodend, Sadliers Crossing and Coalfalls
North Ipswich Railway Reserve, Woodend Honour Stone, Macgregor Street houses, Bowen Street precinct, Panton's Farm, Flying Fox colony, Harlin Road precinct, Dumfries, Rowland Terrace precinct, Sadliers Crossing Bridge, Tallon Street precinct (including Ormesby), Thomas Street Station, Humpy Back Bridge, Yarrum Lodge, Aberfeldy, Blair State School, Rosemont, and Esperenza.
Buildings & StructuresArrocharRosemontEsperenzaAberfeldyYarrum LodgeHumpy Back BridgeThomas Street StationOrmesbyHiberian Hall (St Patrick's Hall)Sadliers Crossing BridgeSignal CabinWoodend Honour StoneDumfriesMoyne HouseBalmoralRocky KnollHaeremaiKnockmoyraHawthorneLorettoPen Y LlechweddBelmontBusinessesCommercial Hotel (Ipswich)A. E. RobertsHeritage City PhotosHalley's BakeryChurches & Cemeteries St Mary'sPeople & FamiliesMartin William (Will) Haenke (1875-1953) - Architect Arthur MacalisterPlacesNorth Ipswich Railway ReserveSchoolsIpswich Grammar SchoolSt Mary's Primary SchoolSt Mary's CollegeSt Edmund'sBlair State SchoolSubjectsHeritage trailsStreetscapesHousesBuildingsHouse plansAdvertisingFlying foxesCurated CollectionsIpswich Heritage Trails (1990s)Advertising
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Reference IDIpswich Heritage Trail 5 & 6 St Mary's & Grammar Hill, & Woodend, Sadliers Crossing & Coalfalls.pdfAsset TypeDocument - PDFCopyrightPicture Ipswich Copyright Information
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CreatorSuburbBuildings & StructuresBusinessesChurches & Cemeteries People & FamiliesSchoolsCurated Collections
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Robyn Buchanan, Ipswich Heritage Trail No 05 & 06: St Mary's and Grammar Hill; Woodend, Sadliers Crossing and Coalfalls. Picture Ipswich, accessed 19/02/2025, https://www.pictureipswich.com.au/nodes/view/8500