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Ipswich Yearbook, Volume 3, 1979-1980
TitleIpswich Yearbook, Volume 3, 1979-1980Date Created1979-1980CreatorIpswich City CouncilPublisherIpswich City Council
SuburbCollingwood ParkCity & StateIpswich, Queensland
DescriptionIpswich City Council Year Book, recording Council's composition and achievements.
Complied by Council staff, the Yearbook includes statistical tables, contemporary photos, historical information, and an overview of the Council's activities during 1979-1980.
The Yearbook was available for the public to purchase, with the sales price deliberately kept below the cost of production.
Complied by Council staff, the Yearbook includes statistical tables, contemporary photos, historical information, and an overview of the Council's activities during 1979-1980.
The Yearbook was available for the public to purchase, with the sales price deliberately kept below the cost of production.
Buildings & StructuresIpswich Civic CentreBusinessesMcMahon's Soft-Drink FactoryEventsIpswich ShowGovernment & Non-Government OrganisationsIpswich City CouncilMobile LibraryIpswich Libraries People & FamiliesGeorgette Phyllis ConwayPhillip Kevin DwyerBarry Velicot ThroneGraham John CruickshankNorman Henry KrugerA.G. MiltonDesmond Allan (Des) Freeman (1925-2020)Paul Gregory TullyPlacesQueens ParkSubjectsTown planning PopulationOccupationsCensus statisticsClimateIndustrial estatesHousing developmentsEducationElectricityLitter controlSocial welfareChild care centresFootpathsMowingParksSanitationGarbage disposalCouncil historyElectionsMayors AldermenCandidatesSolicitorsPublic relationsRecordsIndustry RoadsDrainageSewerageWaterLaboratories BuildingFinanceRatesChargesValuationsData processingParkingPayrollProcurement HealthPublic swimming poolsImmunisation House numbersFood inspectionsMosquitoAnimal controlLicensingCity administratorDefining Tulmur | IpswichExpanding Horizons: Local GovernmentExpanding Horizons: TransportExpanding Horizons: CommunicationExpanding Horizons: DemographicsExpanding Horizons: Infrastructure & UtilitiesExpanding Horizons: Infrastructure & UtilitiesExpanding Horizons: State GovernmentExpanding Horizons: Agriculture & Food ProductionExpanding Horizons: Industry & Manufacturing
Asset Details
Reference IDIpswich Yearbook Vol 3 CompleteAsset TypeDocument - PDFDocument TypeAnnual ReportsCopyright NoticeThis work is in copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced, copied, scanned, stored in a retrieval system, recorded, or transmitted, in any form or by any other means, without the prior written permission of the author.CopyrightPicture Ipswich Copyright Information
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SuburbBuildings & StructuresBusinessesEventsGovernment & Non-Government OrganisationsPeople & FamiliesPlacesDefining Tulmur | Ipswich
- Expanding Horizons: Local Government
- Expanding Horizons: Transport
- Expanding Horizons: Communication
- Expanding Horizons: Demographics
- Expanding Horizons: Infrastructure & Utilities
- Expanding Horizons: State Government
- Expanding Horizons: Agriculture & Food Production
- Expanding Horizons: Industry & Manufacturing
Ipswich City Council, Ipswich Yearbook, Volume 3, 1979-1980. Picture Ipswich, accessed 13/02/2025, https://www.pictureipswich.com.au/nodes/view/32862