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Great Houses of Ipswich II - Chasing Our Past At Home
TitleGreat Houses of Ipswich II - Chasing Our Past At HomeDate Created26th October 2021Program Chasing Our Past At HomePresenterFelicity GrantAllison GrantJohn LyonVanessa BellHostMelanie RushModeratorDeannah VeithAcknowledgementNational Trust (Queensland) Ipswich BranchSuburbIpswichCity & StateIpswich, QueenslandDescriptionJoin us to hear about the experience of living in three of Ipswich’s heritage residences: Arrochar, The Chestnuts, and Toronto.
The George Brockwell Gill designed Arrochar was built c. 1912 by Albion and Margaret Hayne. The house is considered to be the twin of Gill’s Ipswich Club in Gray Street, with both timber Federation era buildings featuring octagonal verandah bays, double access stairs and verandah details and decorations.
The Chestnuts story is tied to its neighbour Mona Lodge (built 1863). In 1873, T.B. Lyons rented his home Mona Lodge to Mrs Mary Darnley Morrison, for use as a private school. Lyons built a second house in 1885: The Chestnuts which Mrs Morrison purchased for her school. The Chestnuts reverted to a private residence after the turn of the century.
With its Carpenter Gothic design, Toronto is unique in Ipswich. One of the oldest timber homes in the city, it has seen few structural changes since it was first constructed in 1863, and retains its dusty pink colour. Originally known as Devonshire Cottage, Toronto has been described as ‘something straight out of a picture book of Victorian England.’
This Ipswich Libraries event is held in association with the Ipswich Regional Branch of the National Trust of Australia (Queensland), host of the Great Houses of Ipswich event.References (online)Click here for high resolutionAsset TypeWebinar / Talk - MP4Buildings & StructuresArrocharThe ChestnutsTorontoEventsGreat Houses of IpswichGovernment & Non-Government OrganisationsNational Trust Queensland - Ipswich BranchTranscriptionGreat Houses of Ipswich II - Chasing Our Past At Home (Transcription)Curated CollectionsArchitectureChasing Our Past At HomeDefining Tulmur | IpswichShaping Our Identity: Domestic ArchitectureBoom & Bust: EducationBecoming A City: Domestic Architecture
The George Brockwell Gill designed Arrochar was built c. 1912 by Albion and Margaret Hayne. The house is considered to be the twin of Gill’s Ipswich Club in Gray Street, with both timber Federation era buildings featuring octagonal verandah bays, double access stairs and verandah details and decorations.
The Chestnuts story is tied to its neighbour Mona Lodge (built 1863). In 1873, T.B. Lyons rented his home Mona Lodge to Mrs Mary Darnley Morrison, for use as a private school. Lyons built a second house in 1885: The Chestnuts which Mrs Morrison purchased for her school. The Chestnuts reverted to a private residence after the turn of the century.
With its Carpenter Gothic design, Toronto is unique in Ipswich. One of the oldest timber homes in the city, it has seen few structural changes since it was first constructed in 1863, and retains its dusty pink colour. Originally known as Devonshire Cottage, Toronto has been described as ‘something straight out of a picture book of Victorian England.’
This Ipswich Libraries event is held in association with the Ipswich Regional Branch of the National Trust of Australia (Queensland), host of the Great Houses of Ipswich event.References (online)Click here for high resolutionAsset TypeWebinar / Talk - MP4Buildings & StructuresArrocharThe ChestnutsTorontoEventsGreat Houses of IpswichGovernment & Non-Government OrganisationsNational Trust Queensland - Ipswich BranchTranscriptionGreat Houses of Ipswich II - Chasing Our Past At Home (Transcription)Curated CollectionsArchitectureChasing Our Past At HomeDefining Tulmur | IpswichShaping Our Identity: Domestic ArchitectureBoom & Bust: EducationBecoming A City: Domestic Architecture
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HostSuburbBuildings & StructuresCurated CollectionsDefining Tulmur | Ipswich
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Great Houses of Ipswich II - Chasing Our Past At Home. Picture Ipswich, accessed 06/02/2025, https://www.pictureipswich.com.au/nodes/view/14513