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AddBy: Kathryn Rodgers8th Jan 2023 4:24PMIn the early 1970s I remember many of us at Rosewood State School loving 4IP. Sister Janet Mead singing THE LORD'S PRAYER in a fun way was played often. She was a trendy Nun. Many sang along.
In 2000 I listened to 96.5FM. I was at that time the 'Resident Poet' on their 'Talking Life' program on Sunday Nights. I would compose a Poem on each nights Topic then ring the Talkback Line to talk to Peter Janetski and read the Poem on Air. This was a privelege.
Kathryn Rodgers
Diploma of Teaching Primary
In 2000 I listened to 96.5FM. I was at that time the 'Resident Poet' on their 'Talking Life' program on Sunday Nights. I would compose a Poem on each nights Topic then ring the Talkback Line to talk to Peter Janetski and read the Poem on Air. This was a privelege.
Kathryn Rodgers
Diploma of Teaching Primary
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4IP Radio Station
Dates1935-1982Business TypeEntertainmentHistory
4IP commenced broadcasting on 2 September 1935. The founder and later Managing Director William J. Johnson, with other local Ipswich businessmen, funded the forming of the Ipswich Broadcasting Company. Johnson was a veteran of World War I whose family owned Johnson Coach Works in Ipswich.
The studios, offices and transmitter were situated at 231 Brisbane Street (the Old Flour Mill).
Between 1965-1977 4IP was one of the most successful hit radio stations in Australia.
In the early 1970s the station moved to Brisbane.
In 1982 4IP changed hands and became Radio 10.
References (online)Radio 4IP Closedown In C-QUAM AM Stereo - Brisbane, Australia (1991) [YouTube]Stereo 104IP TV Commercial [YouTube]4IP TV Commercial, 1979 [YouTube]"Share Queensland With a Friend ... 4IP", jingle [YouTube]'BRISBANE RADIO HISTORY - 4IP, 4BK & Jacki MacDonald TV Footage' [YouTube]'4IP Kevin Hiller 70s', radio check [YouTube]'Countdown (Australia) - Kevin Hillier From 4IP Presents Rocktober '78- October 1, 1978' [YouTube]'4IP Color radio cinema and 1979', TV ad [YouTube]'An Ipswich Case Study: How Does Local Broadcast Media value, esteem and provide voice to a rapidly changing urban centre?', Ashley JonesImages
Images - Queensland Times
Images - Whitehead Studio
Letters & Manuscripts
Images - Ips Genealogical Soc.
Images - Ips Heritage Study
Business OwnersIpswich Broadcasting CompanyEmployeesWilliam J. JohnsonTerence E. LambartKeith FairweatherBuildings & StructuresOld Flour MillTransmitter, Briggs RoadCurated CollectionsNewspapers & Radio StationsDefining Tulmur | IpswichAdversity & Resilience: CommunicationOn The Homefront: CommunicationDreaming of Tomorrow: CommunicationExpanding Horizons: Communication
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SuburbBuildings & StructuresCurated CollectionsDefining Tulmur | IpswichImagesHistoriesTranscriptionsDocumentsImages - Queensland TimesVideoImages - Whitehead StudioBusinessesLetters & ManuscriptsFun & GamesImages - Ips Genealogical Soc.Images - Ips Heritage Study Heritage Trails
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4IP Radio Station. Picture Ipswich, accessed 19/02/2025, https://www.pictureipswich.com.au/nodes/view/9085