DescriptionFrank Williams was the president and foundation member of Ipswich Bowls Club from 1933 to 1934. He had a stonemason business, Williams and Co., on the corner of East and Limestone Streets and was a well-known sculptor in Queensland. Mr Williams was also a member of the Ipswich Vice Regal Band, the City Concert Orchestra, the Ipswich Rotary Club and the Ipswich Chamber of Commerce. He was born in Gloucestershire, England, before immigrating to Australia where he settled in Ipswich with his family. He attended school at the Ipswich State School. He died in 1947.
Reference IDWHD-017-NEG-1930Asset TypeImage - JpegColour or Black & White ImageBlack & WhiteOrientationPortraitGenreStudio PortraitsPhysical DescriptionNegativeHigher Resolution Available (contact Picture Ipswich)YesCopyright NoticeReproduction rights remain with Whitehead Studios. CopyrightPicture Ipswich Copyright Information