DescriptionIt was early recognised that the settlement at Limestone Station (Ipswich) would be suitable as a head of navigation between the port of Moreton Bay and the fertile agricultural land of the Darling Downs. At the point of the Basin, the Bremer River expanded to more than 100 yards wide, enabling boats to turn. For the first ten years of the railway, the Bremer River remained the head of navigation, with goods transported to rail from the Darling Downs and beyond to Ipswich, and then transferred to boat to make the journey by river to Brisbane and Moreton Bay. Once the railway was extended to Brisbane in the 1870s, river traffic soon dried up. In the background of this image is Basin Pocket on the right bank and Hancock’s Sawmill on the left bank.
Reference IDWHD-015-NEG-1487p.jpgAsset TypeImages - JpegColour or Black & White ImageBlack & WhiteOrientationLandscapePhysical DescriptionNegativeHigher Resolution Available (contact Picture Ipswich)YesCopyright NoticeReproduction rights remain with Whitehead Studios. CopyrightPicture Ipswich Copyright Information