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It was February 1913 when John Aspinall took over Sam Palmer's bootmaking and boot repair business in Brisbane Street, Ipswich, in a shop located opposite the Queensland Times office and next to Colthup Chambers. The new owner renamed the business the Bee Hive Boot Bazaar however it was often signed as J. S. Aspinall (footwear). Later it was Aspinall's Bee Hive Boot Bazaar and eventually in the 1920s just Aspinall's.
Aspinall's Bee Hive Boot Bazaar was the House of Quality Footwear. Shoes were sold and repaired, and boots made. Children's and women's shoe departments were supervised by Mrs Aspinall while J. S. Aspinall supervised bootmaking and repairing.
John S. Aspinall, Martha Aspinall and Sidney J. Aspinall (their son) were the registered proprietors of the firm in 1923. John was often engaged in civic affairs during the 1920s, standing at three council elections and serving as an alderman &/or Deputy Mayor for most of the decade. From the mid 1920s the business is simply called Aspinall's perhaps reflecting the notion that J. S. Aspinall was participating less in the footwear firm and consumed more by Ipswich Council responsibilities.
In 1926 the Aspinalls purchased the shop property, and adjoining premises then occupied by Bob Johnstone, a book & stationery merchant.
The Aspinalls lived in Waghorn Street, Denmark Hill at the time of John's death in July 1934. After 21 years doing business in Brisbane Street, in September of that year, Vic Jensen's a retail shoe company from Brisbane, took over Aspinall's business and premises following extensive renovations to the shop. Some years later Anthony's drapery would also be found on this site. In the early 21st century The Money Place was located here followed by Mortgage Choice and Brad Kearton Jewellers.
In 1918 T. H. Palmer's Wine Refreshment Rooms were located on Aspinall's western side and Alf Scott the hairdresser & tobacconist was their neighbour on their eastern side.
References (offline)Queensland Times, Saturday 22 February 1913, P1, Advertising.Queensland Times, Saturday 1 March 1913, P4, Old Established Business.
Queensland Times, Monday 4 June 1923, P4, Firms Registered.
Queensland Times, Thursday 6 September 1934, P6, New Business.
Queensland Times, Saturday 4 September 1943, P4, 25 Years Ago.
Queensland Times, Saturday 13 March 1926, P8, City Property Changes Hands. References (online)1918 Block Map - Ellenborough, West, Waghorn & Brisbane Streets