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Images from the Seymour Family album, Bundamba, Ipswich 1880s to 1910s.
TitleImages from the Seymour Family album, Bundamba, Ipswich 1880s to 1910s.
Date Created1890-1919StudioF.A. Whitehead & SonsI.X.L. StudioThomas Mathewson & Co.
Date Created1890-1919StudioF.A. Whitehead & SonsI.X.L. StudioThomas Mathewson & Co.
SuburbBundambaCity & StateIpswich Queensland
Description(See separate record for information on the ˜Seymours of Bundamba" Images include: Identities from Bundamba: Watson family from England 1886, Alfred Seymour, owned Stradbroke Farm Bundamba, ca 1874 IXL Studios); (Infant photos of: Eldred Matthew Seymour (1907-1922); Walter Everard Hale Foote (1901-1968); Edna Lindsay (1897-);Lex Seymour ca 1900; Ivory Palmer ca 1900;) Elizabeth Watson (1876-1960); Matthew Watson ca 1902 (1881-1933); Mag Black ca 1890; Margaret Jane Watson ca 1894 (1873-1958); Teachers Bundamba State School, 1890s (Edith Seymour, Miss Merhtens, Miss Cole); John Bertie Jones ca 1906 (1885-?) George Seymour ca 1899 (1878-1952); Clark Taylor and Alexandra Seymour (nee Bird) 1893; Weatherhead children ca 1900; Mr Hamilton ca1900 (Hampton Studio Newcastle); Boer War soldiers (George Seymour 2nd from left (1899-1902); Margaret Jane Seymour and first child Eva, Stafford Road, Booval 1897; Eva Seymour as infant 1897; Mr Weatherhead, Eldred Seymour, Alfred William Seymour, Elizabeth Ann Seymour ca 1888 (Mathewson & Co, Brisbane); James Lindsay 1901 (1899-); Elizabeth Everson-Seymour-Jones and daughter Esther Seymour, 1890s; Bundamba residents: John Jones, Edna Lindsay (1897?), Edna when older (1905?) Edith Seymour and Edna Lindsay; Dorothy Foster ca 1907 (1905-); Elizabeth Seymour-Jones and granddaughter Edna Lindsay ca 1907
People & FamiliesSeymour familyWatson familySubjectsChildrens clothingFamiliesMens fashionPeoplePortraitsTeachersWomens fashionDefining Tulmur | IpswichBoom & Bust: Fashion
Asset Details
Reference IDSeymour Family Album 1880s-1910sAsset TypeSlideshow - MP4CopyrightPicture Ipswich Copyright Information
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StudioSuburbDefining Tulmur | Ipswich
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Images from the Seymour Family album, Bundamba, Ipswich 1880s to 1910s.. Picture Ipswich, accessed 19/02/2025, https://www.pictureipswich.com.au/nodes/view/19831