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    By: Kathryn Rodgers11th Jan 2023 4:16PMMatthew Heard was the Teacher running this School in 1981.He told me that although the number of pupils was only 18 at the School at that time the P and C had a large attendance considering that.As a Student Teacher at Mt Marrow Primary School I attended a P and C meeting and after School Sport. I was very welcomed by the special Country folk.

    Kathryn Rodgers
    Diploma of Teaching (Primary)
    By: Kathryn Rodgers11th Jan 2023 4:07PMWhen studying at Kelvin Grove College of Advanced Education (Now QUT) one subject in my Course was Teaching in Small Schools.In 1981 I was sent to Mount Marrow State School to undertake 6 weeks Prac Teaching. A young Teacher, Matthew Heard was my Supervisor.He had !8 Children in his School many with the Surname Rae. Some Bulow families lived at Mt Marrow too.

    Kathryn Rodgers
    Diploma of Teaching (Primary)
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    Mount Marrow State School, 2002

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    Mount Marrow State School, 2002
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