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A.E. Roberts, coach builder, Ipswich, 1895 (1990s)
Creator Details
TitleA.E. Roberts, coach builder, Ipswich, 1895 (1990s)Date Created1895 (1990s)PrinterPole, Outridge & Co., Brisbane
StreetGordon StreetBrisbane StreetSuburbIpswichCity & StateIpswich, QueenslandGeo Coordinatesnot specified
DescriptionPart of 'Pictorial Supplement' in Queensland Times newspaper, 24 January 1895. On picture: A.E. Roberts, well known Coachbuilder, has now in stock a large variety of Carriages of every description of latest designs. Vehicles bought, sold or exchanged. Workmanship guaranteed. Carriages forwarded to all parts of the colony. Design submitted. Note address - Gordon and Brisbane Streets, Ipswich.' Business established 1879. Printed by Pole, Outridge & Co., Brisbane.
BusinessesThe Queensland TimesWest Moreton Carriage WorksA. E. RobertsGovernment & Non-Government OrganisationsThe Queensland TimesWest Moreton Carriage WorksPole, Outridge & Co.People & FamiliesAlbert RobertsRoberts FamilySubjectsNewspapersHorsedrawn carriagesBusinessesAdvertisingCurated CollectionsAdvertisingDefining Tulmur | IpswichBoom & Bust: Commercial Architecture Boom & Bust: TransportBoom & Bust: Industry & ManufacturingTaxonomy19th Century | 1890s | 1895
Asset Details
Reference IDqips-2009-04-07-0032Asset TypeImage - JpegColour or Black & White ImageColourPhysical DescriptionDocumentCopyright NoticeReproduction rights remain with the Ipswich Historical Society.CopyrightPicture Ipswich Copyright Information
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A.E. Roberts, coach builder, Ipswich, 1895 (1990s). Picture Ipswich, accessed 13/02/2025, https://www.pictureipswich.com.au/nodes/view/1429