DescriptionRosewood's first sawmill, known as Collett's Mill, was built where the present Bowling Green is sited at 75-79 Mill Street. There were six members of the Collett family and all worked at the mill. The teamster with 22 bullocks is thought to be Jack Goebel. The Richmond River Timber Company owned the mill. Mr. G.F. H. Atkinson was a member of the company. About 1900 Mr Atkinson and partner (accountant), A. F. McDonald moved the mill across the railway to its present site at 7 Railway Street. The mill was enlarged and a new boiler purchased for the steam. References (offline)Information from: Rosewood Scrub Historical Society
Reference IDrshs-2010-03-25-0013p.jpgAsset TypeImages - JpegColour or Black & White ImageBlack & WhiteOrientationLandscapeGenreRuralPhysical DescriptionPrintHigher Resolution Available (contact Picture Ipswich)YesCopyright NoticeReproduction rights remain with the Rosewood Scrub Historical Society. CopyrightPicture Ipswich Copyright Information
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