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Audio interview with Councillor Paul Tully, Division 2, Ipswich City Council, and his experiences during the Ipswich flood of January 2011, Goodna, Ipswich, 2012
TitleAudio interview with Councillor Paul Tully, Division 2, Ipswich City Council, and his experiences during the Ipswich flood of January 2011, Goodna, Ipswich, 2012Date Created2012IntervieweePaul TullyInterviewerRobyn BuchananAcknowledgementIpswich City Council
DescriptionAudio of 18 minute interview where the Councillor recalls seeing images of Toowoomba and Grantham on TV on Monday 10th January and not realising that would be the last night he would spend in his home. He talks about packing up his house and later making a dash back in a 'tinnie' with 'Pat the boatie' to rescue his dogs. On this trip he recalls the surreal sight of a half flooded phone box with the light still on. He relates that the hardest thing in his life was telling his wife and boys, who were away until the Saturday. He talks about the thousands of volunteers who arrived in Goodna to help. And talks about the fact that many people haven't returned to their same homes and some businesses are only now being re built, and how many people lost their jobs for large periods of time at all the business that were flooded. He hopes that the lessons of the past will be remembered in the future, when it does happen again. The floods occurred in January and peaked on Wednesday 12 January. More detailed information can be found in the local newspapers and media.
SuburbGoodnaCity & StateIpswich, Queensland
Events2011 Flood People & FamiliesPaul TullySubjectsFlood damageVolunteersCouncillorsFloodsCurated CollectionsOral HistoriesDefining Tulmur | IpswichAdapting To Change: Local GovernmentTranscriptionTranscript of interview with Councillor Paul Tully, Division 2, Ipswich City Council, and his experiences during the Ipswich flood of January 2011, Goodna, Ipswich, 2012
Asset Details
Reference IDPaul Tully_VLC.mp3Asset TypeOral History - MP3CopyrightPicture Ipswich Copyright Information
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InterviewerSuburbEventsCurated CollectionsDefining Tulmur | IpswichTranscription
Audio interview with Councillor Paul Tully, Division 2, Ipswich City Council, and his experiences during the Ipswich flood of January 2011, Goodna, Ipswich, 2012. Picture Ipswich, accessed 06/02/2025, https://www.pictureipswich.com.au/nodes/view/11065