James Ivory Diaries
Discover the fascinating story of a man and his family living at Bundanba (now Bundamba) at the former Bremer Mills site. The diaries and correspondence provide a fascinating insight into the Ivory family, other early European settlers in Ipswich and the sometimes strong opinions James had of his neighbours and what was occurring in Ipswich at the time.
Below you will find pdfs of the original diaries courtesy of the State Library of Queensland and typed transcriptions created from copies of the original pdfs on a disc.
Letters & Manuscripts
People & FamiliesJames Ivory (1820-1887)Curated CollectionsDiaries & Journals
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People & FamiliesCurated CollectionsLetters & ManuscriptsDocuments
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James Ivory Diaries. Picture Ipswich, accessed 19/09/2024, https://www.pictureipswich.com.au/nodes/view/9812