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[...]sion of Rod and Derek Nixon-Smith, descendants of James Ivory and of the Mitchell Library who hold the original[...]mission is not required to use information in the transcriptions, however for all cases of reproduction, acknowled[...]ment is not guaranteed error free. It is based on transcriptions of original hand writing. Disclaimer: ‘The vie[...]xpressed in this document are those of the author (James Ivory)’. | |
JAMES IVORY DIARY OF 1863 Sketch drawn by James Ivory | |
Transcriber’s note: Starts May 1863 Friday 8th May 1863 London, what a queer figure he must have cut![...]Laurie about timber & enclosed the Monday 4th May 1863 articles[...]Saturday 9th May 1863 th Tuesday 5 May 1863 B.D. Rea[...]aiting us at Causeway Sunday 10th May 1863 head, slightly rainy, arrived all safe, & found[...]y amusement & no doubt of those Wednesday 6th May 1863 around. Exce[...]a mistake, then Tot fell over a Thursday 7th May 1863 stum[...] | |
Monday 11th May 1863 dressing &[...]inger was rather painful. Music. Tuesday 12th May 1863 Bed. Shower[...]ent him 10/.. Saturday 16th May 1863[...]paper. Account Sales of my 20 Wednesday 13th May 1863 bales of wool[...]t Mrs Williamson. Hail. Another Thursday 14th May 1863 concert goin[...]large ones rise, but they Sunday 17th May 1863 were too cunning for me. Found a Punch in train.[...]ered the cook to put plums in his Friday 15th May 1863 pudding, s[...]two on at a time, but Monday 18th May 1863 in landing them one got off. Dysart was quite[...]en he saw my line he Tuesday 19th May 1863 rushed in & tried to catch the line in his[...] | |
Wednesday 20th May 1863 hit her on the[...]ith bewilderment Sunday 24th May 1863 where to find us. Walked to the Queen’s Park[...]ead papers. Commenced Monday 25th May 1863 Miss Knights times of the princess Charlotte, ver[...]rote to Dad. Thomson gun Maker. Thursday 21st May 1863 George Ord. M[...]& he couldn’t account Tuesday 26th May 1863 for it, unless it was the season being rather col[...]ly to be seen yet. Salmon scarce. Friday 22nd May 1863 Music. Bed.[...]om we saw the other Wednesday 27th May 1863 day, the Stirling police had searched him, & foun[...]tended for Amelia Thursday 28th May 1863 Place. Returned it. Met Fanny Westmacott at[...]s time & through the cutting of Saturday 23rd May 1863 which[...] | |
Friday 29th May 1863 of the Loch[...]iew. Very blowy, Tuesday 2nd June 1863 found 3 young ladies in considerable Crinoline[...]niture being sold off. Saw some Saturday 30th May 1863 beautiful imp[...]a lively group of men on the road, all on the Mrs Ivory would like some new bonnet from[...]by the tail & safely placed it at Sunday 31st May 1863 the bottom[...]teamer passed a little after & we Monday 1st June 1863 shew[...] | |
[...]ng about it. Gave the Saturday 6th June 1863 trout as a present to Mrs Purvis, & the smaller[...]mes at Ecarte & Billiards with Wednesday 3rd June 1863 Williamson, I[...]it was. There was a Sunday 7th June 1863 queer little Blackie in the lot about 4 years of[...]Monday 8th June 1863[...]ain drops. Took Miss W & Tot to Thursday 4th June 1863 Dunblane Cath[...]Tuesday 9th June 1863[...]ndery looking. Roba di Roma seems Friday 5th June 1863 to b[...] | |
[...]. Letter from Nin to Saturday 13th June 1863 Het. Music. Bed.[...]which I threw into the water, Wednesday 10th June 1863 tried minnow &[...]on business matters. No other Thursday 11th June 1863 Australian le[...]Mrs [word illegible] Sunday 14th June 1863 at tea. [word illegible] & I went to the Allan at[...]on & had a yarn with Williamson, Friday 12th June 1863 he lent me[...]going over it. Mr Monday 15th June 1863 McDonald caught 3 salmon this morning. He has[...]complaining of bad Tuesday 16th June 1863 success, Mr McDonald won’t handle a rod,[...] | |
Wednesday 17th June 1863 Sunday 21st June 1863 Rivers up. Cloudy. Read papers. Some one saw a[...]ame of Grant, something of the Thursday 18th June 1863 Brownlow North[...]Club. Mr Stewart the Monday 22nd June 1863 book fisher & Mr Russell another said to be great[...]hat he had seen me at Tuesday 23rd June 1863 Mr Evelyn Gordon’s” whilst fishing in the All[...]reary, really the British Nation Friday 19th June 1863 nowadays seem[...]a on my arrival giving Wednesday 24th June 1863 very satisfactory news. Warmish day. Bed.[...]unts paid Rolland & Weirs wine Saturday 20th June 1863 Bill als[...] | |
[...]some very good trouts dash at Thursday 25th June 1863 my minnow, b[...]lished up a piece Tuesday 30th June 1863 of my Cypress Pine, very pretty. Read part of[...]& caught nothing, I was fishing Friday 26th June 1863 almost all[...]m of the page is torn, if my name was Mr Ivory, I said yes, he then said curled & illegible.[...]year round for fishing, viz to Saturday 27th June 1863 keep them in[...]trout, unless on Wednesday 1st July 1863 some very lucky occasion. Met a regular[...]ames with Uncle at Billiards, he Sunday 28th June 1863 lost, I gi[...]ugh a Uncle who wishing to smell Monday 29th June 1863 the[...] | |
[...]ttle twinges every Sunday 5th July 1863 now & then. Subscribed to some games which are[...]Monday 6th July 1863 Thursday 2nd July 1863 B.D. Very[...]the same sort turn at my minnow, Friday 3rd July 1863 he told[...]Madaten[?] give no Music. Bed. Saturday 4th July 1863 Tuesday 7th July 1863 B.D. Went yesterday to Airthrey Castle, Uncle[...]arden very much of Wednesday 8th July 1863 the kitchen order, hardly any flowers, & almost a[...]bad taste, who was Thursday 9th July 1863 the designer? I was Sir, was the reply, so Uncle[...]han expecting to get Friday 10th July 1863 a boat to fish from, but I found only boat[...] | |
[...]ots of fun in him. Music. Bed. Saturday 11th July 1863 B.D. Saw Sir J. Alexander who came to explain Tuesday 14th July 1863 how he could not take this trip as he proposed to[...]who were quite 25. Called on Sir James. Found his little sickly son delighted with the H[...]rs de combat by Wednesday 15th July 1863 their repulse from their victory assault,[...]caught 4 with minnow. Thursday 16th July 1863 The stream running into the Teith at Doune is the[...]learn. Went to the Forth to try Sunday 12th July 1863 the sea tr[...]not sure of it yet. Music. Bed. Monday 13th July 1863 Friday 17th July 1863 B.D. Finished Kinglake’s Crimea . Mr & Mrs Torr[...]f the shots very Saturday 18th July 1863 bad. 3 games at billiards with Torre, he w[...] | |
[...]alled, & poor Letty Friday 24th July 1863 was sadly teased by Torre, who made Tot believe[...]th Holmie to the Forth, raised 2 Sunday 19th July 1863 sea trou[...]for sale on the Saturday 24th July 1863 28th Instant. Went to the U. P. Church, change no[...]ether, Liz advised me to see the Monday 20th July 1863 Ghost, i[...]Sunday 26th July 1863 st Tuesday 21 July 1863 B.D. We[...]a difficult task I should Monday 27th July 1863 think. Told Wifie all my news. Music. Bed.[...]I also, caught 1 yellow trout Wednesday 22nd July 1863 on a grilse[...]Tuesday 28th July 1863[...]oing off, & as Holmie & I were Thursday 23rd July 1863 bot[...] | |
[...]dals was much admired for his Wednesday 29th July 1863 neat Highland[...]to Stirling & cab it Sunday 2nd August 1863 thence. Home. Music. Bed.[...]Sat with Wifie. Prayers. Bed. Thursday 30th July 1863 B.D. Read paper. Mrs Williamson none the worse Monday 3rd August 1863 of her fatigues. Billiards. Read Lost & saved, by[...]Tuesday 4th August 1863 st Friday 31 July 1863 B.D. Inte[...]son. We then went to try Loch Saturday 1st August 1863 Ard, bu[...] | |
[...]e plenty salmon & Sunday 9th August 1863 sea trout. It is considered a good general fishin[...]el. Cabbed it from Monday 10th August 1863 Stirling. Off to Bed.[...]rnstisland train by 1 minute Wednesday 5th August 1863 owing to the ti[...]looking well. Bed. Thursday 6th August 1863 B.D. Read paper. Nana Sahib again said to be Tuesday 11th August 1863 caught, don’t believe it! Confeds having a regu[...]spend time till Bed. Friday 7th August 1863 Wednesday 12th August 1863 Rainy. Read paper & Roha di Roma. Packing up.[...]considerable value found this Saturday 8th August 1863 year. I[...] | |
Thursday 13th August 1863 run off at Dunke[...]re to get this shooting, so we Friday 14th August 1863 are lucky, the[...]y Thomson waiting Tuesday 18th August 1863 for me about another shooting for the Marquis of[...]ooked at the ground he fired Saturday 15th August 1863 at, saw it did n[...]f Dunkeld (Culbert) who came & Sunday 16th August 1863 pronounced not[...]f bed, wrote to Uncle to break Monday 17th August 1863 the news to Wi[...]s, License &c. Wednesday 19th August 1863 Lunched at Dunkeld, Passed thence to Gleng[...] | |
[...]to shoot Monday 24th August 1863 tomorrow. Bed.[...]he former & 3 in the latter, Thursday 20th August 1863 but we met 2 m[...]ty. Wrote to Liz. Chess. Bed. Friday 21st August 1863 Tuesday 25th August 1863 B.D. Sent a letter by Graham yesterday to Dad[...]is has hurt his Wednesday 26th August 1863 shoulder. There is a party of Lancashire people o[...]he Lodge. Chess. Mrs Webster Saturday 22nd August 1863 beat. Bed. B.D[...]le Laurie, sent Thursday 27th August 1863 off letters to Ord, Mason, Frank & Mrs Craies, al[...]na well. Dysart wildish. Bed. Sunday 23rd August 1863 B.D. Read. Wrote letters. Strolled about f[...] | |
Friday 28th August 1863 grouse. Saw[...]put up in Thursday 3rd September 1863 barns. A few tunes on Accordeon. Bed.[...]e & 1 hare. I 6 +3 hares. We Saturday 29th August 1863 intend having[...]erd lost his Friday 4th September 1863 faithful dog which is obeying its masters orders[...]r 5 or 6 hares & 3 grouse, & I Sunday 30th August 1863 32 hares 1 G[...]killing 3 shots out of 33 head Monday 31st August 1863 bagged. Sand[...]ie a hare & a Saturday 5th September 1863 grouse. Sent Uncle a brace of grouse & a brace of[...]of Allan 1 brace grouse & a Tuesday 1st September 1863 couple of hares[...]s blooming & quite strong Wednesday 2nd September 1863 looking. W[...] | |
Sunday 6th September 1863 Mrs Webster. St[...]ent a short letter to Wifie, Monday 7th September 1863 hardly time to[...]Whist. Music. Thursday 10th September 1863 Bed.[...]o the Princess of Wales, at Tuesday 8th September 1863 least the papers[...]ried the doors & Friday 11th September 1863 windows, I certainly might have got in, but not[...]by telling them Saturday 12th September 1863 that I would take a dog cart, & make the Company[...]had a trout in his mouth Wednesday 9th September 1863 about 3 oz we also[...]lame, & Sunday 13th September 1863 obstinate besides. Inverness Railway opene[...] | |
Monday 14th September 1863 Saturday 19th September 18631863 of grouse & a hare on my return homeward.[...]t they brace grouse to Lady Jardine, 2 brace to A Ivory, & did not upset the boat, as it was they[...]snow by the 22nd of this Wednesday 16th September 1863 month, so they were[...]row if good weather. Bed. Thursday 17th September 1863 Fine morning which enticed me out, soon came Monday 21st September 1863 on heavy wind & Scotch mist. Shot badly owing I[...]he same & 2 grouse. Webster Friday 18th September 1863 shabbily[...] | |
[...]dney, & Saturday 26th September 1863 London, the former with Bills of Exchange, the[...]er. Andy intended to leave Tuesday 22nd September 1863 but now departs[...]more wages, & Sunday 27th September 1863 wringing her hands said that she could not do her[...]e died with Monday 28th September 1863 £70,000 personal property, far more than I ever[...]turned tutor for Cardew. Thursday 24th September 1863 Between showers b[...]untry he has seen. Wrote to Friday 25th September 1863 Willie inviting[...]sel, I had a Tuesday 29th September 1863 good shot at a black cock but unfortunately[...]ll, that we Wednesday 30th September 1863 had to drop it. Letter from Willie & Hale[...] | |
Thursday 1st October 1863 Monday 5th October 1863 Very peculiar, warm & heavy mist till about 12.[...]yed a game of Chess with Nin & Friday 2nd October 1863 Heather, she[...]Got near a fine Saturday 24th October 1863 black cock three times, but it always continued t[...]a most amusing lunch & then Saturday 3rd October 1863 descended as t[...]& hearty looking! Sunday 25th October 1863 Blue Peter who always used to take up my[...]Thomas. I believe Monday 26th October 1863 that she is firm with them. Jim wished to get the[...]his month, I having no letter. Sunday 4th October 1863 Heron got 20[...]ent sermon from Tuesday 27th October 1863 Mr Cupan[?] The Friday answered Purvis kin[...] | |
[...]k got fever & ague, Saturday 31st October 1863 so couldn’t come. Read paper. Packing up for a[...]ged by McKay & Cunningham. Wednesday 28th October 1863 Tottie & Jim very[...]e gone by, so we Sunday 1st November 1863 took lunch at the B[?] Inn, & saw the Duke of[...]grouse to himself Monday 2nd November 1863 with a black cock 7 grey Hen. I arrived at Rossen[...]at with him. Letter Tuesday 3rd November 1863 from Co’ Joe about shooting, rather too late ol[...]Very cold. Arrived all safe Thursday 29th October 1863 at Viewforth agai[...]door. Unpacked all my things. Friday 30th October 1863 Letter f[...] | |
Wednesday 4th November 1863 Another 50 up b[...]& proposes to take a run in Spring. She says Sir James is even Sunday 8th November 1863 worse than I am as to knocking about. She is[...]fie in carriage, Monday 9th November 1863 train arrived, no appearance of family. Returned,[...]smell queerly. Bed. Thursday 5th November 1863 Tuesday 10th November 1863 Rainy morning, fine afternoon. Wifie arrived &[...]low there Doctor Ellis. Bed. Friday 6th November 1863 Wednesday 11th November 1863 B.D. Very frosty, Lady Alexander called. Het too[...]ough peculiarly fine, Music Saturday 7th November 1863 singing. Bed.[...]Sir Charles Thursday 12th November 1863 Nicholson was rather badly dressed when he[...] | |
[...]others 886 to know where the Friday 13th November 1863 Great Britain wo[...]that tune any more, Johnny Saturday 14th November 1863 used to be kind to[...]had to run from Tuesday 17th November 1863 Paris, a wag said, it a ses Napolean mis partant[...]Bed. Sunday 15th November 1863 Wednesday 18th November 1863 Showery. Went with Wifie to Free church, where[...]mson called. Wrote to Cadell Monday 16th November 1863 enclosing[...] | |
[...]isitors. Note from Jardine Thursday 19th November 1863 informing me to[...]Ainslie Place to Tuesday 24th November 1863 meet the Nichols, whom I found to be jolly,[...]ys where I had Wednesday 25th November 1863 left them behind, & I had only ¼ of an hour to[...]& Frank. Thursday 26th November 1863 Janet played a few tunes nicely. Bed.[...]ing out of the window to see Friday 20th November 1863 whether there[...]Friday 27th November 1863 st Saturday 21 November 1863 Raining as us[...]illiards. Read Saturday 28th November 1863 Naples, very good. Looked over papers. Music.[...]duck. I had to remain & pack Sunday 22nd November 1863 up & settle a[...]grateful for my kindness to Monday 23rd November 1863 them i[...] | |
[...]beat him at Billiards. Bed. Sunday 29th November 1863 Just cleared up when we came away. Went with Friday 4th December 1863 Miss Bairnsfather to hear Mr Millar, very good[...], & came in, followed by the Monday 30th November 1863 piccannies all l[...]te true though Sent off game to Dad, Mother, A M. Ivory & not really so, as it does look[...]ng. Bed. Saturday 5th December 1863[...]paper. Sorry to see such bad Tuesday 1st December 1863 accounts of Lord[...], singing. Bed. Sunday 6th December 1863[...]urch with wifie to hear Mr Wednesday 2nd December 1863 Dykes of great ren[...]ines to him. Prayers. Bed. Thursday 3rd December 1863 Monday 7th December 1863 Snowing, ground quite white. Letter from L[...] | |
[...]o Lady Jardine Friday 11th December 1863 about paying a visit on the 16th. Chess. Music.[...]knew the odds were 2 to 1 in Tuesday 8th December 1863 Heenan’s favo[...]ding her of her promise to Wednesday 9th December 1863 send to me her Ph[...]ards with Saturday 12th December 1863 Wiliamson. Lost both games. Music. Bed.[...]hess. Music. Singing. Bed. Thursday 10th December 1863 Rainy. Read paper. Young Chetwoode Sunday 13th December 1863 Drummond Pringle called to see me about[...]hat’s the Monday 14th December 1863 Cheese”; an Indian Officer told him that[...] | |
[...]So we smoked & yarned away, Tuesday 15th December 1863 he telling me th[...]from India, they call him Wednesday 16th December 1863 General, whether i[...]ought it, he must Friday 17th December 1863 have been very oblivious, as he opened his[...] | |
[...]r & Mr & Mrs Landale dined Saturday 18th December 1863 with us today. Had[...]r Charles J. Went to Morris foot ground Ivory does not seem to approve of. Very little to shoot[...]himself, he is Tuesday 22nd December 1863 General. Lady J does not recollect getting my[...]Jardine. The General bade Saturday 19th December 1863 me a kind adieu &[...]hat you will not make use of Sunday 20th December 1863 anything which I[...]d at Viewforth found wifie & Monday 21st December 1863 all well,[...] | |
Wednesday 23rd December 1863 herself,” fille[...]prettily, the wee Darling. Thursday 24th December 1863 Music, singing,[...]to Lady Jardine Saturday 26th December 1863 today’s Scotsman containing mention of her[...]up with a bad Sunday 27th December 1863 foot. Astonished Jim by squirting rose water in h[...]Prayers. Bed. Friday 25th December 1863 Xmas day, very rainy. Read paper. Went to see Monday 28th December 1863 about hamper with turkey, brais heard & su[...] | |
[...]servants dancing with their Tuesday 29th December 1863 friends, the pr[...]from a weak chest & much Wednesday 30th December 1863 requires somethin[...], rather peculiar looking, Thursday 31st December 1863 however i[...] | |
JAMES IVORY DIARY OF 1864 Sketch drawn by James Ivory 33 | |
[...]he chimes of different clocks, the tone is soft & James’ Park water, found it in a horrid state of[...].m. was safely delivered of a healthy Prince, for James & cut his hand rather severely. Saw not a[...] | |
[...]been accepted, rather awkward, me his card to Mr James Allan head Manager of it wa[...] | |
[...]Tot of the girls picture book, got off & William Ivory, also on Miss Stoddart. Aunt[...] | |
[...]strong sea. Aunt William Ivory kindly sent her & Thaw with slight snow in aftern[...]Photograph to Het & me. Read paper, Aunt William Ivory, Aunt W Lawrie & Mrs Gallway al[...] | |
[...]his Father (Cadell’s) is still alive, I Aunt W Ivory at Church yesterday, though Uncle’s[...] | |
[...]isplayed the act. for Advertising W.A.L. Ivory’s birth. Wrote Alek a Loud calls for Bro[...] | |
[...]warning. Aunt Ivory very kindly brought for Dad a[...] | |
[...]rom Australia on Called on Aunts Maggie & William Ivory, both well Monday. Went to a conce[...] | |
[...]per. Paid a host of Keith his fee. Aunt Ivory ill with a gumboil. Called Accounts nearly[...] | |
[...]with Edinburg, called on Aunties & Uncle William Ivory Maggie Pillans. Several 1,000s o[...] | |
[...]hicks. Bed. found Aunt Ivory very well. Aunt M Laurie called[...] | |
[...]osing my Photograph to Mrs Aitchison Aunt William Ivory. They all drank for me a[...] | |
[...]which I will buy if I private Contract in James Street Toowoomba at get Eskdale sold. Look[...] | |
[...]?] from David Archer & Co, I wonder how it is not Ivory Brothers. They have Saturday[...] | |
[...]duties of the Wifie, Dad, Liz, & Aunt Ivory, all well. Wifie not young. Took a short stroll i[...]in. Really unless Attorney General’s opinion in Ivory v Collins & I want to be regula[...] | |
[...]him. Long yarn with Roberts my Solicitor Re Ivory B.D. 4 out of 5 sheep’s feet in a shocki[...] | |
[...]groggy, I believe he once left Aunt Ivory, but no journal this time. Long yarn ½ an[...] | |
[...]uld make a rattling[?] Slave driver. I little son James (after me) killed by a fall of a[...] | |
[...], when she then said that she was there. Wrote to James Gibson about Mr Mason, awar[...] | |
JAMES IVORY DIARY OF 1865 Sketch drawn by James Ivory 101 | |
[...]opped in misstatement as placed in that regarding Ivory v the bush, both doing well. Bed. Maso[...]Brisbane property Ivory Street, had he asked me I B.D. Rode to Logan’s[...]g Swamp to see how splitters & to Ivory’s street, as it really is mine as given[...] | |
[...]f Somerset, Account. Lawyer’s expenses £119 in Ivory v lots to be sold April 4th. I m[...]. Daniells quite proud of his cotton. Grandfather Ivory for 40 years. Grapes all but[...] | |
[...]ch I believe is quite unusual acres in James Street Toowoomba are to be sold & untenabl[...] | |
[...]from Het, Dad, nights. Bed. Liz, Aunt Ivory. Willie, Hall & Webster & Sutton. Called o[...]o those I have your Obedient servant James Henderson.” I before seen. Read letters[...] | |
[...]rnment Gates for in stealing some apples with the Ivory’s helping paddock. Bed. him off a[...]l Dear man. May God Wifie, Dad, Liz, Willie, Aunt Ivory, Aunties Betsy & shower down blessings o[...]onday 22nd May 1865 offering £400 for 2 acres in James Street B.D. Settled fo[...] | |
[...]acres in James’ Street Toowoomba for £400.[...] | |
[...]acres James Street to give to Batho. Read papers.[...] | |
[...]s my lamb, as the fear you are seeking it when Mr Ivory heard it, if any one could swear[...] | |
[...]ht the Post office had sent his letters as see Mr James Collins butcher about my bill for[...] | |
[...]panel. Wrote to Batho about seeing my case Ivory enclosure. Letter from Saunders & Company[...] | |
[...]olite salutation of you b__y wretch. IvoryJames’ Street Toowoomba. greener. Cave catt[...]nduct to so worthy a man ought to have hurled Sir James Graham & Berkely at once from the Admiralt[...] | |
[...]asked me whether I was the James Ivory at the Saturday 14th October 1865[...]nerally fine day. whether my name was James, as he said that I Drove Kennedy to Ipswich, but[...]tening, yet nothing Dearest Wifie, Liz, Dad, Aunt Ivory, Tom, Janet, & comes of it. Sent to Logan’s Lagoon some things Uncle William Ivory. Sent Wifie £100 Dad £100[...] | |
[...]for Jim, Dad, Liz, Tom, Uncle William Ivory, Janet, B.D. Warm. 4th lot sold for £100.[...] | |
JAMES IVORY DIARY OF 1866 Sketch drawn by James Ivory 151 | |
[...]Bed. Received Land Deed from James Mort. Bed. Up still. Johnny drove me in. P[...] | |
[...]ng put the mother along with it. About 20 Aunt M. Ivory. Advised Wifie of £100 sent.[...]I have written for search for me in Ivory v Crewe, long case & rather warrant & Cons[...] | |
[...]Mail Tele. Carroll Liz, Willie & Aunt Ivory, I can’t make out how had to go to Town to get[...]. neither Wifie nor Uncle William Ivory have not Cotton I found growing everywhere[...] | |
[...]0 head 58 bullocks & nicely. Wrote to Pryce, Aunt ivory, Liz, & Willie 22 cows. Burning[...] | |
[...]Sunday 27th May 1866 yet sent to Uncle William Ivory on account load to B.D. Little[...] | |
[...]with everything to my mother & Aunt Ivory. Heavy wind from East Library inclusive. We[...] | |
[...]swich on business. Between seed to Wifie & Auntie Ivory, 2 sorts of this & Ipswich la[...]0th/66. Still Sent my letters to Wifie, Dad, Aunt ivory, Liz & raining. Read papers, hard at[...]more so amongst dairy stock. £50 I sent to uncle Ivory yet as payment of loan to Beautif[...] | |
[...]ored Promissory note of £148.10.0. Aunt Ivory. Prairie grass splendid. Read papers. he as[...] | |
[...]os feeding on one side, cattle on the Ivory. Planting Cotton. Flying foxes eating all m[...] | |
[...]ted a splendid spring close to Liz & Uncle Wiliam Ivory. Read papers. Mrs one of[...]e. Bed. £900. J Ivory £1,446. Liabilities £17,000. Assets[...] | |
[...]Papers savage at our new Stamp Act & no Aunt Ivory addressed Bandanbah, Gayndah, so it[...] | |
[...]t a brilliant lightning. Wrote to Aunt Ivory. Flute. stick & killed it. Isabella Grape l[...] | |
[...]seen in the Obituary of Telegram Lord Ivory. I had Bed.[...] | |
JAMES IVORY DIARY OF 1867 Sketch drawn by James Ivory 196 | |
[...]Pink Lilly with seed pods just the Uncle James Ivory by Lord Broughen as being the shape of the rose o[...]12,000 to Bank Australasia William Ivory’s letter via Panama. The late Lord[...] | |
[...]ld Taffy mare still alive but getting quite Uncle Ivory, & on return of man find the mail[...] | |
[...]Wifie, Liz, Tom, Willie, & Holmie & Uncle Ivory, refused him after asking me. Returned to[...] | |
[...]ight. Making hay of Sorghum. Pleuro Ivory. Bed. Pneumonia not at all bad at present i[...] | |
[...]Holmie, Uncle William Ivory with seeds. Poetry to[...] | |
[...]£14.3.6 ½ year. Read about months Bills from Mr James Gibbon. I was all but Windmills[...] | |
[...]B.D. Wrote to Liz also to Uncle William Ivory in about 1,000 trees, but could not see one[...]Chilies. Wrote to Aunt Ivory. Enclosed paragraph Rainy. No letter from[...]al things he ought to write about. Ivory. Read papers. Saw some fine horses. Sent M[...]gain, Wrote to Het, Tom, Liz. Aunt Ivory & to Uncle[...] | |
[...]some amateur acting, very Liz, Tom, Uncle William Ivory, Het & Aunt Ivory. good, well got up. Well attend[...]t little Tot, Liz, Bed. Tom, Aunt William Ivory & Uncle William, also Account from Thomson gun ma[...]y vouchsafe its practice, two mighty James Gibson of the Bank of N.S. Wales says that[...] | |
[...]ry justly so. Letter from Alek, his name ad Fence (James I think) both likely please[...] | |
[...]d papers. Liz, Tom, Willie, Aunt Ivory, & Holmie & one for Bed.[...]aribalde’s speech at Venice, if it was as it is Ivory for £200 more to Het makes, £800 if the[...] | |
[...]liar & in my opinion Liz, Tom & Aunt Ivory. D’Israeli seems to have not very correc[...]Aunt Ivory. Piccolo. Bed. Friday 14th June 1867[...] | |
[...]many purposes on the Station, besides being Aunt Ivory, Holmie, & Mr W.H. Maxwell of[...] | |
[...]1867 Auntie Ivory descriptive of Logan’s Lagoon & its B.D.[...] | |
[...]dog Willie, Tom, Uncle William Ivory & Holmie, also to Ruffy came in & lay beside me w[...]Queenslander to Willie, & letter to Aunt Ivory. undulating piece of ground, also a level[...]washed & harness put in order. Read papers Ivory & Uncle William. Answered Liz’s [word[...] | |
[...]is nearly as hard as Ivory. Poking about caves. Showery. Took a ride &[...] | |
[...]us yield on black soil paddock of het. Liz & Aunt Ivory having sent off letter to oats, they think they will never be done stacking Uncle William Ivory. Sent lots of papers. Lambing i[...] | |
[...]with Mr Martin for land got by Johnstone in Ivory Beazley, said I should have nothing to do[...] | |
[...]c. A Femister for wee Jamie, Tom, & Uncle William Ivory. Sales of samples of Lade’s S[...] | |
[...]awkward at present. Wrote to Uncle Ivory via me. Mail arrived at Ky’Gs Sound. Piccolo. B[...]r 1867 B.D. Wrote to Wifie, Tottie, Uncle William Ivory, Wednesday 25th December 1867 Liz & Hal[...]Sent off a letter to Uncle Ivory via Panama. Slice[...]Getting on with letters to Wifie, Tot, Liz, Uncle Ivory & Hall & shearing. Chased 2 fel[...] | |
JAMES IVORY DIARY OF 1868 Sketch drawn by James Ivory 242 | |
[...]& _ from Jamie, Letter from Liz & Aunt Ivory. One would not, like a fool, take £40 bei[...]things up Pickwick & found the fellows Mr Perm & James in Bandanbah store. Read papers. P[...]for wilful trespass against James Crook. Hendren B.D. with an occasional sli[...] | |
[...]idates my rain of consequence here. Wrote to Aunt Ivory. property & leaves no surveye[...]ent with Mr Beazley over the to Wifie, Liz, Aunty Ivory, Mr Dymock enclosing Mill, whe[...] | |
[...]wave to do so. Saw a curious Miss Ivory at Madeira. Find that there is a great vei[...] | |
[...]poor Uncle William Ivory’s sudden death, which Rainy. Wrote to Wifie. Si[...]must be a hard blow to Aunt William, Ivory & Getting much calmer. Whist 14/6. Bed.[...] | |
[...]B.D. Posted letters for Wifie. Master James handle them, without Wifie’s signature.[...] | |
[...]the Gospel. We next went to pay Aunt Ivory a[...]executed photograph of Uncle William Ivory i.e. 1 Restante. Wifie improving. Wrote to[...] | |
[...]meat then went & lunched with Aunt Ivory & found her Extract works as somehow by having a[...]pretty old lady. Wrote to Aunt William Ivory answered same. Bed.[...]Ivory Photograph which is excellent. Whist. Bed. Thursd[...]xchange a fearfully large pair he had Ivory called yesterday on Liz & she looked sent,[...] | |
[...]of 10 to 12 years old. Really letter to each. Mr James Brampton arrived, gave they, ‘the lo[...]ft us at ‘Kirn’ in Liz. She had tea & her son James with us. Bed. Kyles of Bute &[...] | |
[...]Webster, but was not sure until I saw her Ivory, (Laurie) very complimentary to me & writes[...]Ivory rather better. Webster not appeared. Bed. Monday[...]Paid off whole debt to Messrs McLachlan Ivory & with heat couldn’t see Mrs Forbes hous[...] | |
[...]news. Read papers by which I see Gympy diggings Ivory & bid her goodbye. Diner & had tea at St[...]ges bathing in B.D. Posted letters to Liz & Aunty Ivory. Only got the most indecent way[...] | |
[...]did not get a rise till at the force. Joked Annie Ivory about the way she kissed last p[...] | |
[...]Wrote letters of condolence to Tom, Aunt Ivory, & poor Dear man – was awfully cold, but he too[...]angement of payment. Nin & Goodeve to Chicks. Mrs James Broughton sent Tottie runn[...] | |
[...]s in all the Orchards, faithfully J Ivory. (James Ivory). Went to St & very pretty country about Devonshi[...]Tom, Willie, Frank, Holmie, Aunt Ivory, in fact through laziness to write same, t[...] | |
JAMES IVORY DIARY OF 1869 Sketch drawn by James Ivory 289 | |
[...]ngi Jingi, & really was a Aunt William Ivory, & to Janet, also to Doctor good hearted s[...] | |
[...]hes deep in cotton, so mamma was going to pay Mrs Ivory a visit soon, I like snow, &[...] | |
finish it off till I got the list of deeds Mortgag[...] | |
[...]a letter thanking him. Bed. from Aunt W Ivory. Wrote to Aunt William, Tom, Willie, Sandy[...] | |
[...]36 acres, & on Monday at Lakeland 40 James Connor & slightly bruised. Music. Bed. acr[...] | |
[...]ose B.D. Got letters from Willie & Aunt Ivory. Read & fencing Emu Creek. Pea tree getting[...] | |
[...]Sent off letters to Willie, Jamie, & Aunt Ivory. Courier, which I exhibited. Pumpkins comin[...] | |
JAMES IVORY DIARY OF 1870 Sketch drawn by James Ivory 326 | |
Saturday 1st January 1870 my Father could[...]duly sent to him along with a Sunday 2nd January 1870 kind present[...]it much. Bed. Friday 7th January 1870[...]Finished Stonewall Jackson, I Monday 3rd January 1870 had no idea t[...]Kind & Saturday 8th January 1870 considerate letter from Mr. G. Ord. answered[...]B.D. The 92. Sent a present of fruit to Mrs same. James Connor a little liar & thief left. C[...]pe. Wifie took a walk. Letter Tuesday 4th January 1870 from Alek who[...]Sunday 9th January 1870 th Wednesday 5 January 1870 B.D. Thermomet[...]sented me with a fine little Thursday 6th January 1870 daughter[...] | |
[...]er to have a Friday 14th January 1870 speedy recovery under His Blessing. Seymour did[...]ermon. Bed. X Bremer Cottage. January 9th/70. Mrs James Saturday 15th January 1870 Ivory of a fine strapping Daughter.[...]as also sugar. Jones making a Monday 10th January 1870 boat for me.[...]Sunday 16th January 1870[...]oll in Quarry Paddock. Found Tuesday 11th January 1870 acacia seeds[...]Read Sermon. Bed. Wednesday 12th January 1870 Thermometer 92. B.D. otherwise. Drove to Monday 17th January 1870 Bandanbah to see Willie, found him well & quite[...]s a snake. Wrote to Nin. Janet, Aunty Ivory, Tom, New Years present to buy sweetmeats of cour[...]. p.m. & began to clear off Thursday 13th January 1870 about 2.a.m. i[...]sented him with Tuesday 18th January 1870 a son on the 10th. Signed the document abo[...] | |
[...]ishes to sell all the Monday 24th January 1870 remainder at the same figure. No word of Mail[...]ooking well. Grapes. Bed. Wednesday 19th January 1870 Tuesday 25th January 1870 B.D. Boatmaking. Sent off letters & 7 papers,[...]n told him he was wrong, if Thursday 20th January 1870 you are not cons[...]Brisbane. Mail Wednesday 26th January 1870 Telegraphed. Cards with Tot. Bed.[...]gles to Oxley Creek. Hamilton Friday 21st January 1870 came for tools[...]. Gave Saphoon (a Thursday 27th January 1870 Kanaka) a nice fishing line & hook of which he[...]mail yet. Bed. Saturday 22nd January 1870 B.D. Filling up stump holes. Got into my boat 1st Friday 28th January 1870 time, very leakey but continued to row from Mill[...]. Bed. Saturday 29th Jan 1870[...]ht a large species of Dogfish Sunday 23rd January 1870 about 6[...] | |
[...]illie, Jamie, & Wednesday 2nd February 1870 Sandy Adam. Sent off letter to Tom, Janet, Aunty[...]Rainy. Got Connor to plant Prickly Acacias, & to Ivory & Alek Adam. Wrote to Frank advising Golf[...]ve thought that it had hardly Sunday 30th January 1870 time to take[...]le to Wifie. Thursday, 3rd February 1870 Read one of Blair’s Sermons. Rain. Bed.[...]lled a Carpet Snake 9 feet in Monday 31st January 1870 length. When[...]waist, it felt pretty big & Tuesday 1st February 1870 too fat for a[...]London at, at least Friday 4th February 1870 6d per b but the Extract won’t go down y[...] | |
[...]n bearing down Tuesday 8th February 1870 upon us, I was prepared for a swim, but luckily[...]ver which is Wednesday 9th February 1870 only about the same size as the famed Suez Canal[...]Thursday 10th February 1870[...]t running about near Mill, Saturday, 5th February 1870 I must shoot it[...]in after Friday 11th February 1870 thinking over it & tell me his calm decision on t[...]y prevalent both at Ipswich & Sunday 6th February 1870 Brisbane. Po[...]im to bring some wedders next Monday 7th February 1870 week. No Sme[...]ung up Saturday 12th February 1870 remainder of Tobacco plants to let fresh c[...] | |
[...]ad Math answers best, a very Sunday 13th February 18701870 Sunday 20th February 1870 B.D. but rather oppressive, Wifie & self headachy[...]e & Tottie, Blair’s. Bed. Tuesday 15th February 1870 Slight showers, still headachy. Cutting up nut Monday 21st February 1870 grass. Read. Music. Bed.[...]ngth, but general average Wednesday 16th February 1870 about 3 feet, & ve[...]better looking than the general Jane Helene Torre Ivory. He seems a pleasant run of[...]3.12. due more than a year Thursday 17th February 1870 since, so Mr Hend[...]the B.D. Sent off letters to Tom, Willie & Aunty Ivory. matter into the hands of a Lawyer[...]ected on Tuesday, the A.S.N. Friday 18th February 1870 Company see tha[...]bait so near my Tuesday 22nd February 1870 canoe that it gave me almost a ducking with the[...]ring very Wednesday 23rd February 1870 nicely. I have some plants now yielding a 3rd cro[...]Thursday 24th February 1870[...]bothering, something also Saturday 19th February 1870 wrong with[...] | |
Friday 25th February 1870 tame that it[...]ng the other who is Tuesday 1st March 1870 little better. Messrs Smellie & Sinclair came &[...]Wednesday 2nd March 1870 Saturday 26th February 1870 Showery. Mrs C[...]wrong again. As thanking Mr James Manning for his kind offer to Tottie was playing[...]milar to cat’s Thursday 3rd March 1870 conversation on which pussy acted. Some hours[...]rse cheque of Friday 4th March 1870 £53..12.0 also Promissory note £67.1.3. to Mess[...]ellent. Cleaning some of the Sunday 27th February 1870 Sugar Cane.[...]Saturday 5th March 1870[...]toward evening. Drew rails & Monday 28th February 1870 posts[...] | |
[...]Thursday 10th March 1870 th Sunday 6 March 1870 Rai[...]ht very well. Flood over many of Monday 7th March 1870 the f[...]iling down shed & 2 inches deep Tuesday 8th March 1870 where[...]o see how the Friday 11th March 1870 water lay so as to provide for safety, all right[...]learing up, very tantalising. Wednesday 9th March 1870 W[...] | |
[...]under water. River ¾ as high Saturday 12th March 1870 as before ti[...]Pernambuco Wednesday 16th March 1870 Cotton quite black, I only wish I had seen its[...]in Brisbane, & Thursday 17th March 1870 boats plying in the streets in South Brisbane.[...]heir huts in order. Music. Bed. Sunday 13th March 1870 Showery, but River quite off all the Sugar Cane & Friday 18th March 1870 many feet lower than last night. Cattle arrived a[...]Telegraphed. Music. Bed. Monday 14th March 1870 Saturday 19th March 1870 Hard at it again, no sign of sun or engine, River[...]where not flooded will do well Tuesday 15th March 1870 yet[...] | |
[...]flood which I never Thursday 24th March 1870 knew to be so high on Bandanbah Creek. There is[...]n I wished much to see & who is Sunday 20th March 1870 intending to[...]Bed. Monday 21st March 1870 Friday 25th March 1870 B.D. Inspected Pumpkins, not much damage done.[...]the mud for me. Music. Bed. Tuesday 22nd March 1870 B.D. Expected. Mrs Rowlands to dinner, no arrival Saturday 26th March 1870 much to Het’s disgust, as she had got up a nice[...]all black snake being bitten Wednesday 23rd March 1870 on 2 of h[...] | |
[...]he muttered Wednesday 30th March 1870 something not very complimentary I suppose &[...], but he may find it Thursday 31st March 1870 otherwise. Delicious weather. Bed.[...]left & new nurse Mary D’Arcy Sunday 27th March 1870 arrived, all[...]lind. Read papers. Music. Bed. Monday 28th March 1870 Friday 1st April 1870 B.D. Set Engine to pump, very stiff & would not[...]rs, some of which date back as Tuesday 29th March 1870 far as/41. Se[...]ittle the worse of his Saturday 2nd April 1870 snake bite (small black snake about 2 feet long)[...]st shifted in time, Sunday 3rd April 1870 water running through Groombridge’s hut.[...]een drunk. Mrs Monday 4th April 1870 Callanan heard of the death of her mother last[...]has 30 bales seed Tuesday 5th April 1870 cotton to bring for ginning. Told Groombri[...] | |
[...]were 3 days Saturday 9th April 1870 under water when first sown. The ground is really[...]the Highlands of Sunday 10th April 1870 Scotland, liked it very much, as I could pretty w[...]us. Played Ecarte Monday 11th April 1870 with Tot. Zoe the cat quite happy & frisky. They[...]own for Oats. Planting Acacia Wednesday 6th April 1870 seeds. Hor[...]Tuesday 12th April 1870 blew up its[...]ng on nicely, several nearly 5 Thursday 7th April 1870 feet in l[...]w a snake. Wednesday 13th April 1870 Roxburgh to call next week. Promissory Note for[...]much. Bed. Friday 8th April 1870 Thursday 14th April 1870 Very slightly showery. Wrote to Macpherson[...] | |
Friday 15th April 1870 Miss Morey s[...]rs Koch to Church. Sawing firewood. Wrote to Aunt Ivory, Tom enclosing 2nd of Exchange for Wednesday 20th April 1870 £155. from Bank Australasia, also letter to Will[...]Thursday 21st April 1870 Saturday 16th April 1870 B.D. Aroused b[...]t into little room in Steamer & Sunday 17th April 1870 finished my[...]a Telegram to start as early as Monday 18th April 1870 possible so[...]Insolvent court; Paid several Tuesday 19th April 1870 accounts. Bed[...]up again. Had a visit Friday 22nd April 1870 from a dirty woman. Hauled into our cove a[...] | |
[...]Thursday 28th April 1870 rd Saturday 23 April 1870 Lovely. Wro[...]Friday 29th April 1870 th Sunday 24 April 1870 B.D. Took[...]not very well. Mrs Bell called. Monday 25th April 1870 Ploughing.[...]t 11.a.m. Mr Saturday 30th April 1870 Callanan had taken 24 dozen oranges to Bremer[...]Sunday 1st May 1870 th Tuesday 26 April 1870 B.D. Wifie[...]ry lazy. Mrs Wilson came Monday 2nd May 1870 running out to me from a butcher’s shop begging[...]uld never ask me for Tuesday 3rd May 1870 money again, very serious matter certainly. Jones[...]to me was only a Copy of one Wednesday 27th April 1870 he sent[...] | |
Wednesday 4th May 1870 tree to make[...]bait & was found Tuesday 10th May 1870 dead this morning, it is one of the wild house ca[...]I must place baits Wednesday 11th May 1870 tomorrow for them. Great difficulty in forming a[...]he told me that he was nominated Thursday 5th May 1870 yesterday w[...]lace, as Ramsay has certainly gone Friday 6th May 1870 in an ent[...]dra Theatre & Carpendale & Shaw. Saturday 7th May 1870 Called on K[...]is year with wooden Friday 13th May 1870 rollers so as to gain experience by degrees for[...]do her good. Music. Bed. Sunday 8th May 1870 Warm sun. Read Sermon to Wifie, one of Blair’s Saturday 14th May 1870 very good. Bed.[...]2 Flower of Sydney market orange, Monday 9th May 1870 2[...] | |
Sunday 15th May 1870 Saturday 21st May 1870 B.D. Took a stroll. Read one of Blair’s Sermons[...]opening very slowly. Mr Eyre (the Monday 16th May 1870 violent Auc[...]e flood. Wee Willie Sunday 22nd May 1870 helping. Bed.[...]Blair’s Sermons. Bed. Tuesday 17th May 1870 Tares now coming up. Received letters from Monday 23rd May 1870 Willie, Tom & Jamie, & Aunt Jane. Not much[...]aines & Co. who had seen Jamie Wednesday 18th May 1870 at the Kinahan[...]lace not over pleasant & nearly Thursday 19th May 1870 pitched into[...]at she must be half dead, however Friday 20th May 1870 my c[...] | |
[...]urt his arm. Jones made Cask stand, & pretty Miss Ivory. Mr Hewitt (a Mackay Planter)[...]. Sunday 29th May 1870[...]t rainy afternoon. Took a stroll Tuesday 24th May 1870 through[...]te. Walked in Botanic Monday 30th May 1870 gardens & saw a man fishing of decent[...]. Letter from Ord. Read. Bed. Wednesday 25th May 1870 Tuesday 31st May 1870 B.D. started for Bremer Cottage at 6.30. Mr[...]. Read. Bed. Wednesday 1st June 1870[...]Mrs Koch arrived, but Tot likes Thursday 26th May 1870 Brisbane[...]with Tot. Bed. Friday 27th May 1870 Thursday 2nd June 1870 B.D. Misty mornings now. Shifting tanks. Sowed[...]ng me came back Friday 3rd June 1870 again. Jones in about Mill & iron for rollers, go[...]£40 & that my horses were much Saturday 28th May 1870 li[...] | |
[...]aged) must return him a Tuesday 7 June 1870 handsome income. Forbes & his wife from home[...]onnie but very Wednesday 8 June 1870 pleasant. Het & she knew each other, long ago, so[...]believe. Read. Bed. Saturday 4th June 1870 Thursday 9 June 1870 B.D. Started in Ipswich St, saw 2 gents of the[...]st & faithful servant. Friday 10 June 1870 Arrived at Bremer Cottage & found all well, & 10[...]Saturday 11 June 1870 Sunday 5 June 1870 B.D. Yes[...]t his horse heating. Wrote to Tom & Monday 6 June 1870 W[...] | |
Sunday 12 June 1870 Saturday 18th June 1870 B.D. Tottie & Mrs Koch to church. Quiet walk.[...]papers. Little in then Music. Bed. Monday 13 June 1870 B.D. Frost last night sufficient to blacken potato Sunday 19th June 1870 tops & Banana leaves & missed the Sugar Cane[...]a disease. Henry Monday 20th June 1870 Pedley caught a 7lb eel, it was exceedingly good[...]yment of rent in March, though in Tuesday 14 June 1870 Septembe[...]lora was frost bitten on Sunday Wednesday 15 June 1870 the 12th I[...]of them. Bed. Thursday 16 June 1870 B.D. though cloudy & threatening rain. Went to Tuesday 21st June 1870 Logan’s Lagoon & took a round of the Mares &[...]h seem pleased. Letter from G. Ord Friday 17 June 1870 about P[...]r 6 months Wednesday 22nd June 1870 Devine who is said to be a capital ploughm[...] | |
[...]to cheque, he Monday 27th June 1870 now explains that said Ord did not mention which[...]B.D. Cold raw wind. Barnes & his wife & excellent Ivory, so that he would be rather in a fix if he had[...]n I was sorry had to leave, so Thursday 23rd June 1870 respectabl[...]up. Read. Bed. Friday 24th June 1870 Tuesday 28th June 1870 B.D. Mr Power came to look at cane, found the[...]served on the Wednesday 29th June 1870 22nd Instant. Boy stupidly forgot to get letters.[...]sugar plantation to eat up the Saturday 25th June 1870 herbs. Whe[...]lanan & that he Thursday 30th June 1870 promised to see what could be done for him.[...]Friday 1st July 1870[...]to Bandanbah & found Murphy had Sunday 26th June 1870 s[...] | |
[...]Wednesday 6th July 1870[...]ll my remaining lots, beautiful Saturday 2nd July 1870 view from[...]Walker not much liked, he is the Sunday 3rd July 1870 Landlord[...]Thursday 7th July 1870 th Monday 4 July 1870 B.D. S[...]sic. Bed. Friday 8th July 1870[...]round. Took my usual walk to top Tuesday 5th July 1870 of[...] | |
[...]ther flood, creek rising. Bed. Saturday 9th July 1870 Thursday 14th July 1870 B.D. Looked over Illustrated news.[...]Friday 15th July 1870 th Sunday 10 July 1870 Rainy & w[...]Kinglake. No prospect of getting Monday 11th July 1870 away for so[...]ineral seems to be Saturday 16th July 1870 something like silver with a good deal of sulphur[...]. Sunday 17th July 1870[...]dness. Creek considerably down, Tuesday 12th July 1870 moon last ni[...]aw a splendid white cow. Bed. Wednesday 13th July 1870[...] | |
Monday 18th July 18701870 found it too deep to cross where we intended, so[...]ing, (can’t say board) to the Tuesday 19th July 1870 nervous fema[...]with dray laden Thursday 21st July 1870 with timber, brother of my bullock driver at[...]d to come this long Friday 22nd July 1870 round owing to the Rivers being flooded.[...]hat Wifie was t Mr Saturday 23rd July 1870 Mannings with Mrs Koch, Tottie at Wilson’s, & B.D. Read papers. Sir James Simpson I see gone. Willie at his house. H[...] | |
Sunday 24th July 1870 Sunday 31st July 1870 B.D. West to Presbyterian Church & heard Mr[...]exceedingly Monday 1st August 1870 monotonous & tiring to listen to. Called at Docto[...]but I couldn’t think of it, at Monday 25th July 1870 least for[...]hed a few canes very well. Read Tuesday 26th July 1870 papers. Col[...]eeping charge of the Tuesday 2nd August 1870 place. Bighead ran off & jumped a fence & made[...]lat with little holes stuffed Wednesday 27th July 1870 full of chees[...]er. Billeting wood Wednesday 3rd August 1870 for firing. Willie got a ride. Music. Bed.[...]nothing to say for themselves. Thursday 28th July 1870 Mrs B. kept[...]remarks. Read. Bed. Friday 29th July 1870 B.D. Went to see Mr Daniells about Cotton, also Thursday 4th August 1870 went to Logan’s Lagoon & had a ride over[...]Boat sunk. Wrote a letter to Aunt William Ivory. Holes in Long Swamp breaking out. Lots of[...]Friday 5th August 1870 th Saturday 30 July 1870 B.D[...] | |
Saturday 6th August 1870 Tom, & Aunty Ivory. Baby very jolly. Read papers. Coldish, ye[...]Bed. Friday 12th August 1870[...]ich being polling day & gave my Sunday 7th August 1870 vote to the[...]Saturday 13th August 1870 th Monday 8 August 1870 B.D. Expe[...]help laughing. Baby delighted. Tuesday 9th August 1870 Bed. B.D. bo[...]k a walk to Lakeland. Sunday 14th August 1870 Jones shield for turning cane into 2nd roller ver[...]Prayers. Bed. Wednesday 10th August 1870 Monday 15th August 1870 B.D. Ready this time as boarded not pass till 11.[...]action. At Gray Tuesday 16th August 1870 Boot maker, no satisfaction, disgusted at the[...]1 bottle Gin & Wednesday 17th August 1870 1 bottle wine per diem, looked like it, so bloate[...]all day. Jones busy at Sugar Thursday 11th August 1870 machinery. Men[...]going, as usual Thursday 18th August 1870 could not make up his mind. Found all well[...] | |
Friday 19th August 1870 to remain, so[...]ice wife. Read papers. Bed. Saturday 20th August 1870 Wednesday 24th August 1870 B.D. Went to Logan’s Lagoon. Saw 3 swans. One[...]erhead in the Thursday 25th August 1870 water, all turned out better than I anticipated &[...]lanter’s friend a good sugar Sunday 21st August 1870 yielding Sorg[...]Friday 26th August 1870 Monday 22nd August 1870 Raining, Retu[...]wee babe got 12th Tooth. Bed. Tuesday 23rd August 1870 B.D. With rain in the evening. Found a strawberry Saturday 27th August 1870 quite ripe, very early for them. Mr Power[...] | |
[...]oot out of its Thursday 1st September 1870 stirrup, he also would hardly pass them. The man[...]e. Trashed a splendid plant of Sunday 28th August 1870 Ribbon cane[...]ldish yet, but no frost. Bed. Monday 29th August 1870 Friday 2nd September 1870 Showery. Seymour tried horses & ploughed some[...]very good Saturday 3rd September 1870 after so much rain. Charlie has sore ears. Read.[...]same. Read papers. Bed. Tuesday 30th August 1870 Sunday 4th September 1870 Showery, rain, rain, rain, again, farmers can’t[...]ometer 40 Monday 5th September 1870 last night. English Mail Telegram arrived,[...]the rise. Jamie, Tom & Auntie Ivory. Read papers. Mr Gill Draining. Mr Power c[...]’s farm which I rent from Wednesday 31st August 1870 1st Sept[...] | |
Tuesday 6th September 1870 illegible] Eyre.[...]om G. Ord. Tuesday 13th September 1870 Read papers. Bed.[...]to take up young stock & Wednesday 7th September 1870 Tomboy Mare to Esk[...]ay in my office Wednesday 14th September 1870 to regulate papers &c. commenced to feed stock[...]ive £1. & 10 to boy. Went Thursday 8th September 1870 over canes to see[...]ing down Thursday 15th September 1870 flooded canes & trashing what is fit to be kept[...]f some of the clauses of the Friday 9th September 1870 Land Act, young[...]gby’s to sign agreement Saturday 10th September 1870 about Cologne rout[...]Friday 16th September 1870[...]Ipswich, case soon decided Sunday 11th September 1870 against Skinner[...]ad before crossed safely he Monday 12th September 1870 plopped i[...] | |
[...]id it, her Tuesday 20th September 1870 mother also told the Magistrate that his decision[...]l the coffee plants I think Friday 16th September 1870 are dead. Custar[...]s a nice quiet ladylike & Saturday 17th September 1870 spirited girl. Rea[...]d papers. Wednesday 21st September 1870 Ploughing. Trashing cane, one stool having 26[...]presentation. Thursday 22nd September 1870 Katey Cardew played & sang to us. Bed.[...]cleared of Trash, one stool Sunday 18th September 1870 with 29 canes. A[...]Friday 23rd September 1870 Monday 19th September 1870 Thundery,[...] | |
Saturday 24th September 1870 Thursday 29th September 1870 B.D. Guinea grass shooting. Read papers. Devine[...]be up tomorrow night. Bed. Sunday 25th September 1870 Friday 30th September 1870 B.D. Took a stroll. Nobody at Church. Received[...]of a thunder shower & when Monday 26th September 1870 spoken to was v[...]y to other side the River. Tuesday 27th September 1870 Willows coming o[...]Saturday 1st October 1870 Wednesday 28th September 1870 B.D. Saw wifie & T[...]ourbon 8 which Sunday 2nd October 1870 about 3 weeks since only went 6. Feel very much[...]as I am put a week Monday 3rd October 1870 out. Reading Sir Morton Peto on American[...] | |
[...]wrong. Fine Moon. Bed. Tuesday 4th October 1870 Sunday 9th October 1870 B.D. Cutting Oats. Looked over cane trashers.[...]solid joints, & outer Monday 10th October 1870 coat wonderfully thin & easily cracked. Some[...]£6 for fat Tuesday 11th October 1870 bullocks, in fact hardly any are to be had. I see[...]Wednesday 12th October 1870[...]without wind, bad look out Wednesday 5th October 1870 for the Oats cu[...]shoots. Music. Bed. Thursday 6th October 1870 Thursday 13th October 1870 B.D. cutting Oats, the men think that the crop al[...]ks. Mrs Koch left early in the Friday 7th October 1870 morning when[...]f Goslings & Friday 14th October 1870 chickens running about. A Mr Proctor called here[...]dy looking. Saturday 15th October 1870 Read. Bed.[...]thunder. Read. Bed. Saturday 8th October 1870 B.D. Cutting Oats & stacking same, got up at Sunday 16th October 1870 5.15a.m. to see that a proper start was ma[...] | |
[...]Saturday 22nd October 1870 th Monday 17 October 1870 Showery, g[...]Cardew & Miss Morey arrived Tuesday 18th October 1870 for a couple[...]well. Music. Bed. Wednesday 19th October 1870 Sunday 23rd October 1870 Heavy showers. Planted some Ribbon Cane 34[...]on & his Monday 24th October 1870 daughter Annie & Miss [word illegible] grey calle[...]stand it as the Balance of Thursday 20th October 1870 Power would th[...]ould be perfectly Tuesday 25th October 1870 cattle proof as he has seen fences of the same[...]Bed. Friday 21st October 1870 Rainy. Planting Ribbon Cane. Making clarifiers for Wednesday 26th October 1870 Sugar manufacture. Planter’s Friend comi[...] | |
[...]t. Gathered Wednesday 2nd November 1870 some good specimen specimens of Barley &[...]ing arrived. Thursday 3rd November 1870 Jones cleaning up the machinery. Black dog[...]hich I put some tons of hay Thursday 27th October 1870 into. Warmish.[...]Snake seen. Read. Bed. Friday 28th October 1870 Friday 4th November 1870 B.D. Building stack & cutting oats. Making[...]Bed. Saturday 29th October 1870 Saturday 5th November 1870 B.D. Nearly finished stack & cutting or Mowing[...]areless. Sunday 6th November 1870 Transplanted some Laburnams. Bed.[...]Prayers. Bed. Sunday 30th October 1870 B.D. Took a stroll to the quarry the ground about Monday 7th November 1870 which is lovely & the grass so green amongst[...]Tuesday 8th November 1870[...]Ploughing by Seymour. Weeding Monday 31st October 1870 garden. Readi[...]. Mahaffey came the drip. Wrote to Willie, Auntie Ivory & Mr for his horse. No 4 To Light[...]d. Bed. Tuesday 1st November 1870 Wednesday 9th November 1870 B.D. Finished putting up stack & all ready for[...]e up by 4.p.m. Thursday 10th November 1870 Laburnums taken hold of ground well. Hay a[...] | |
[...]t, so much for Wednesday 16th November 1870 want of [word illegible] & they had been working[...]d by Thursday 17th November 1870 Groombridge & now looks very park like. Lots of[...]whose leader he was. I only Friday 11th November 1870 hope he may fulf[...]on sets from Mr Friday 18th November 1870 Cooper at 10/. Per 1,000 of 3 eyes each. Require[...]be we’ll be flooded out, Saturday 12th November 1870 boats, boats!!! &[...]ing in strongly for breeding Sunday 13th November 1870 cattle, advertis[...]Saturday 19th November 1870 th Monday 14 November 1870 B.D. Though ve[...]d some White 90 day Maizena Tuesday 15th November 1870 & some bro[...] | |
Received letter of adieu yesterday from James Took a stroll through Mill & Sugar[...]work well, a fine Saturday 26th November 1870 stream of water running out of them. Had 3 fine[...]Sunday 27th November 1870 Sunday 20th November 1870 Showery with sl[...]Monday 28th November 1870 st Monday 21 November 1870 B.D. Getting[...]. Read paper. Mail expected Tuesday 22nd November 1870 tomorrow. Wrote to Willie & Auntie Ivory & B.D. Mr Roxburg called wishing to borrow some[...]am from home, Tuesday 29th November 1870 Paris at its wits end evidently. Read papers.[...]7 a.m. Wednesday 23rd November 1870 B.D. Went to Logan’s Lagoon. Creek been into Wednesday 30th November 1870 the garden again but little damage done. Cows[...]Thursday 1st December 1870[...]letter for me. Sent off a Thursday 24th November 1870 letter to Willie & Aunty Ivory. Work same as Showery but not enough to da[...]Friday 2nd December 1870[...]aring weeds from Sugar Cane. Friday 25th November 1870 Mending[...] | |
[...]Bed. Saturday 3rd December 1870 Ploughing, hay making, planted some Maizena & Wednesday 7th December 1870 Broom Millet a few days since. My Meats sent[...]Norma rows well, went to the Sunday 4th December 1870 Quarry. Musi[...]them all Thursday 8th December 1870 getting a good ducking on their way back. Miss[...]Friday 9th December 1870 th Monday 5 December 1870 B.D. Tried[...], only rather Saturday 10th December 1870 circular Sailing. Read. Music. Bed.[...]r nearly all right. Sent for Tuesday 6th December 1870 Doctor Rowlan[...]nly occasionally Sunday 11th December 1870 running us right into the Bank which cause[...] | |
Monday 12th December 1870 From a man r[...]& then makes Saturday 17th December 1870 use of Zoe as a pillow; she is a [word illegible][...]Lagoon. Plenty good grass. Tuesday 13th December 1870 Shearing fini[...]d. Sunday 18th December 1870[...]g. Harriet & Miss Ross to Wednesday 14th December 1870 Chapel. Took a[...]d. Monday 19th December 18701870 Invincible Col[...]out 5p.m. & Tuesday 20th December 1870 returned without thinking much of the Show. I[...]some 7 Wednesday 21st December 1870 miles. Show not so good as last years. Bed.[...]y force pump on creek bank & Friday 16th December 1870 which[...] | |
Thursday 22nd December 1870 when her mamm[...]Lel. Bed. Friday 23rd December 1870 B.D. Very warm 88 in shade. Slight thunderstorm Tuesday 27th December 1870 but little rain. Put my 2 best ½ bred Cheviot Ra[...]ars on Wednesday 28th December 1870 the trees at Cologne. The Medlars don’t, at lea[...]nto the Bank of the River, Saturday 24th December 1870 however they[...]was only spying the land for Sunday 25th December 1870 his our pur[...]Thursday 29th December 1870[...]ring Lakeland fence, but 324 Monday 26th December 1870 wedders int[...]66. bales fleece Friday 30th December 1870 & 4 clippings &c mixed. Holiday this. Had[...] | |
[...]when Willie & Saturday 31st December 1870 young Hay sang out there it is & pointed t[...] | |
MD | |
James Ivory diary, 1863 - 1870, Ipswich (2013) | |
1863-1870 | |
James Ivory (1820-1887) | |
First volume of a series of diaries kept by James Ivory written between 1863 and 1885. Ivory owned Eskdale (Esk) in 1843. He acquired l[...] | |
[...]il. Please contact Picture Ipswich for use of the transcriptions or part thereof. | |
James Ivory (1820-1887) | |
James Ivory Diaries | |
19th Century 1870s 1870 |
Tanya Jen, James Ivory diary, 1863 - 1870, Ipswich (2013). Picture Ipswich, accessed 05/10/2024,