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A.E. Roberts, coach builder, Ipswich, 1895 (1990s)
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Aerial view, looking south, taken from above Bremer River, Ipswich, 1953
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Air raid shelters along Limestone Street, from the Gordon Street intersection, Ipswich, c,1941
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Bremer River in flood looking towards St Stephen's Presbyterian Church, Ipswich, 1893 (1898?)
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Central Presbyterian Church, Ipswich, 2009
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Central Presbyterian Church, Ipswich, 2009
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Coles Supermarket, during demolition after flooding in 2011, Ipswich, 2011-2012
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Coles Supermarket, during reconstruction after flooding in 2011, Ipswich, 2011-2012
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Corner Brisbane and Gordon Streets, Ipswich, 1970
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Dunlop Tyre Service building on the corner of Gordon and Brisbane Streets, Ipswich,  October 1971
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Elephants on the site of the future Coles Supermarket, corner Gordon and Brisbane Streets, Ipswich, 1976
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Flooding on Limestone and Gordon Streets, Ipswich, 1893
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Ford TD Cortina XL (1973-1976), car advertisement for Western Ford, Ipswich, October 1980
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Ford XA Falcon 500 (1972-1973), car advertisement for Western Ford, Ipswich, October 1980
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Ford XB Falcon 500 Wagon (1973-1976), car advertisement for Western Ford, Ipswich, October 1980
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Ford XC Falcon 500 Wago,n car advertisement for Western Ford, Ipswich, October 1980
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Golden Fleece Service Station, corner of Limestone and Gordon Streets, Ipswich, 1963
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Gordon Street streetscape, No 25, Ipswich, 1991
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Group of unidentified people in front of Modern Motors, Brisbane and Gordon Streets, Ipswich, 1951
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Holden HQ Monaro GTS 4-Door Sedan (1973-1974), car advertisement for Western Ford, Ipswich, October 1980
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Holden LX Sunbird Sedan, car advertisement for Western Ford, Ipswich, October 1980
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Interior of St Stephen's Presbyterian Church, corner Limestone and Gordon Streets, Ipswich, 1959
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Interior of St Stephen's Presbyterian Church, corner Limestone and Gordon Streets, Ipswich, 1959
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Interior of St Stephen's Presbyterian Church, corner Limestone and Gordon Streets, Ipswich, 1959
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