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100-year-old Meta Schawaller, Ipswich, June 2003
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11-year-olds, Arnold Lealiiee and Harley Porter, at Ipswich Girls' Grammar School event, Ipswich, April 2003
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1st Moreton Regiment perform a salute at Claremont Open Day, Ipswich, March 1981
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2/14th Light Horse Band, Queensland, c.1930
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7 graders Ashleigh Lower and Mark Koplick from Forest Lake college, Ipswich, June 2003
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7th Field Company, Royal Australian Engineers (Reserves), Ipswich, c.1937
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Aboriginal Relics Ranger, Ipswich, Queensland, January 1978
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Acacia Nockolds and Rhys Velasquez before performing another piece in the Performers Plus Dance Studio Annual Christmas Concert, Ipswich, December 2003
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Actors applying costumes for "Wanted - One Body", Ipswich Little Theatre, Ipswich, August 1980
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Adam Cox, Neil Burson and Trevor Cox start of Variety Bash, Lowood, August 2003
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Adam Francis with his mother in a classroom at a school, Ipswich, Queensland, January 1978
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Adam Gwatking and Bronwyn Jones in front of Bremer State High School's Honour Board, Ipswich, November 2003
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Adam Oldham and Natasha Thompson from 28 Brenda Court from Collingwood Park, Ipswich, December 2003
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Adele and mattew Goodwin (aged 2) watch on as dad Brook Goodwin speeds down the straight, Ipswich, September 2003
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Adele, Jahna and Terry Hobbs from Fig Tree Pocket at the ministers arts awards, Ipswich, August 2003
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Adrian Gallo polishing up the Xerakias Team drag racing car, Ipswich, June 2003
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Adults learning award winner, Miriam Lewis at Laidley Youth community care center, Ipswich, September 2003
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Advertising for the film 'Genevieve', that played at the Wintergarden Theatre, Ipswich, 1954
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Advertising for the film 'Genevieve', that played at the Wintergarden Theatre, Ipswich, 1954
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Aeroplane taxiing on runway at Amberley Air Base, Amberley, Ipswich, August 1980
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Ailsa Lauchlan with her bike, Ipswich, April 2003
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Aimee Lewis, Bryden North, Atarah Rush and Madeline Draheim, Ipswich, August 2003
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Ainsley Jackson (aged 3), Jessica Fox (aged 7) and Zoe Fox (aged 4) watching the vigoro matches, Ipswich, February 2003
of 96