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Bridal Party, Ipswich, December 1977
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Bridal party of Charles William and Thelma Bridley (nee Bickle), Ipswich, 1937
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Bridal party of Frank and Beryl Alloway (nee Hayward), Ipswich, 1953
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Bridal party of George and Alice Edna McLean (nee Mieland), Ipswich, 1929
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Bridal party of Hector and Catherine Ross (nee Coveney), Ipswich, 1924
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Bridal party of Henry Joseph and Gladys Veronica (nee Sullivan) Crowe, Ipswich, 1932
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Bridal party of Herbert Edward and Elsie May Hastings (nee Tunstall), Ipswich, 1913
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Bridal party of James and Monica Langan (nee Ross), from Rosewood, Ipswich, 1952
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Bridal party of Lewis Arthur and Dawn Mavis Bauer (nee Laegel), Ipswich, 1946
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Bridal party of Ronald John and Edna May Buchanan (nee Bridley), Ipswich, 1930
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Bridal party of Thomas Patrick McGuire and Bridget McCarthy, Ipswich, 1914
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Bridal party of Thomas and Catherine Meehan (nee Mullins), Ipswich, 1915
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Bridal party of Walter and Pansy Hunt (nee Burgess), Harrisville, 1926
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Bridal party of William Clive and Hetty Buchanan (nee Marginson), Ipswich, 1928
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Formal bridal party portrait of Allen and Iris Meier (nee Lyon) with bridesmaids Coral and Norma Lyon, Ipswich, 1940
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Formal portait of bridal party of  Donald Macartney and Joyce Isabel Pedley, 1948
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Formal portrait of bridal party of James Thomson and Myrtle Campbell, Booval, Ipswich, 1937
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Formal wedding portrait of Albert Walter Brown and Harriet Isabel Hunter, Ipswich, 1924
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Jim Rush (middle) with groomsmen on his wedding day, Booval, September 1947
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Newlywed couple, Ipswich, January 1978
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Unidentified Bridal party, with young flower girl, Ipswich, 1940
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Unidentified wedding party, Ipswich, c.1952
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Wedding of unidentified couple, St Mary's Church, Woodend, Ipswich, January 1978
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Wedding party of George Edward and Doris Elma (nee Cochrane) Hastings, Ipswich, 1926
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