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Butter rationing card and confirming letter for child at Rosewood, Ipswich, 1950
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Castle family picnicking in the Redbank area, Ipswich, c.1920
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Claire Evans, trying out her mother's cakes, Goodna, Ipswich, 1953
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Clothing ration card, East Ipswich, 1947
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Clothing ration card, One Mile, Ipswich, 1948
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Decorated cake made for a party in Blackstone, Ipswich, 1964
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Enema and douche from the 1940s, Ipswich, 1990s
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Ipswich during the Great Depression and World War II, an oral history with Doris Timperley, Ipswich, 1994
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Ipswich during the Great Depression and World War II, an oral history with Doris Timperley, Ipswich, 1994 (audio)
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Meat rationing coupons, Ipswich, 1948
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Memories of Harrisville and Ipswich, an oral history with Doreen Perrett, 1998
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Memories of Harrisville and Ipswich, an oral history with Doreen Perrett, 1998 (audio)
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Motor cars and aeroplanes, the Roberts family in Ipswich, an oral history with George Roberts, Ipswich, 1995 [audio]
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Motor cars and aeroplanes, the Roberts family in Ipswich, an oral history with George Roberts, Ipswich, 1995 [transcript]
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Motor spirit consumer's special licence, used by Gordon Yarrow, Rosewood, Ipswich, 1941
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Personal identity card issued during World War 2, Ipswich, c.1940
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Personal identiy card issued during World War 2, Ipswich, c.1940
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Petrol rationing coupons used by a Rosewood household, Rosewood, Ipswich, 1946
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Postcard depicting a young girl ironing, Brisbane, 1910
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Rationing on the Ipswich Home Front 1939-1950
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Special clothing coupon issue (Girls) for East Ipswich family, 1945
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Special ration book of coupons, issued to Mrs. G. L. Yarrow, Rosewood, Ipswich, 1940
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Tea and butter ration card, used by Ray Ellis of Marburg, Ipswich, 1949
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Ute in yard at 55 Matthew Street, Rosewood, Ipswich, 1950s
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