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Bank of New South Wales, corner East and Brisbane Streets, during flood, Ipswich, 1893
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Barge being loaded on opening day of new loading chute, Westfalen Mine No. 2, Dinmore, Ipswich, 1953
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Barrambin (boat) being righted after sinking at loading point at Westfalen Mine No. 2, Dinmore, Ipswich, c.1955
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Barrambin (boat) being righted after sinking at loading point at Westfalen Mine No. 2, Dinmore, Ipswich, c.1955
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Barrambin (boat) refloated and ready to return to Brisbane for Westfalen Mine No. 2, Dinmore, Ipswich, c.1955
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Barrambin (boat) under loading chute, Westfalen Mine No. 2, Dinmore, Ipswich, 1953
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Barrambin (boat), coal loading barge, turning on the Bremer River at Westfalen Mine No. 2, Dinmore, Ipswich, 1953
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Beirne's Marine Centre, corner Bell and Bremer Streets, Ipswich, late 1960s
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Boat 'Miss-Chief' in Ipswich backyard, Ipswich, 1952
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Boat coming up Bremer River alongside King Edward Parade, Ipswich, 1991
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Boat half up a tree, near Goodna boat ramp, after the January flood, Goodna, Ipswich, 2011
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Boat on the Bremer River, 1981
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Boat on the Brisbane River at Sugar's Quarry near the Junction, 1940s
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Boating at Colleges Crossing, Chuwar, Ipswich, 1993
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Boating on Brisbane Street, Ipswich, during flooding, c.1940s
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Boating on the Bremer River, Ipswich, early 1950s
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Boating on the Bremer River, at Basin Pocket, Ipswich, 1945-1955
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Bremer (boat) being loaded, Westfalen Mine No. 2, Dinmore, Ipswich, 1953
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Bremer (boat) being relaunched after being run aground during flood of  1941
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Bremer (boat) of Riverside Coal Transport preparing to berth at Westfalen Mine No. 2, Dinmore, Ipswich, 1953
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Bremer (boat), aground, Ipswich, 1941
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